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2020-04-17 10:27  国是直通车   - 

国是访问 | 专访美中贸易全国委员会会长:供应链出现“断点”,美国公司会从中国走吗?




疫情将给全球经济带来怎样的冲击?又将如何影响中美经贸关系?针对这些问题,美中贸易全国委员会会长克雷格·艾伦(Craig Allen)近日接受了中新社国是直通车专访。





















TopNewsExpress:Do you think the coronavirus will trigger a global recession or a crisis?

Allen: The world is certainly facing unprecedented global health and economic challenges today. Many global ratings agencies, banks, and academics share views that a global recession is possible with varying levels of severity. I’ve observed predictions of global GDP declines this year ranging north and south of 1.9 percent. Peoples and economies around the world are even more interconnected today than at the time of the 2008 financial crisis. COVID-19 and the corresponding economic challenges it creates will be felt by all. That is why it’s vital for governments to work together in crafting a coordinated response. That means working together to support global R&D in finding a vaccine, and adopting principles that support open and free trade to facilitate the movement of goods and health supplies.

TopNewsExpress:The disease has exposed many companies to the risk of supply chain disruption. In this case, will shortening the international supply chain link become a new trend in the future?

Allen: The COVID-19 pandemic builds on two-plus years of already heavy trade-related stresses impacting companies’ global supply chains. Companies continually monitor their supply chains for areas to improve efficiencies and reduce risk, which can hopefully contribute to reduced costs for their customers globally. Each industry takes a different approach to supply chains and makes their calculus based on a host of different factors, so i expect there isn’t one single answer for all companies. However, I do expect that in boardrooms across the globe, executives will scrutinize deeply how they are sourcing products and getting them to customers quickly.

TopNewsExpress:As far as you know, will American companies tend to concentrate their supply chains in North America in the future?

Allen: American companies view supply chains through a global lens. 95 percent of the world’s consumers live outside the United States’ borders, so it’s critical that American companies continue to have access to them. We are fortunate to have great neighbors to the north and south with which we have really strong trade relationships, cemented by the recently concluded USMCA agreement. There are elements of USCMA that do encourage supply chains to be located in North America. At the same time, American companies serve customers in many markets, and it isn’t always feasible to have supply chains centralized only in North America. Many USCBC member companies, for example, are invested heavily in China in order to serve the China market. For them, I expect that they will still maintain supply chains in China in order to quickly serve the needs of their Chinese customers.

TopNewsExpress:Some people think that the epidemic is the last straw that overwhelms economic globalization. What do you think of the impact of the epidemic on globalization?

Allen: American companies benefit greatly from trade and investment with other countries in our globalized world. That was true before the epidemic and will continue to be true after the epidemic. Expanding commercial opportunities through international trade agreements (like the US-China Phase One Agreement) and strengthening the WTO will be as important as ever as we look to new solutions to address the economic challenges created by COVID-19.

TopNewsExpress:How do you think the epidemic will affect China-US economic and trade relations? Will it become more tense or ease?

Allen: This year began with a momentous occasion when US and Chinese trade negotiators were able to strike a trade deal that was able to put a pause on escalating bilateral tensions, and create new opportunities for businesses in both countries. However, the challenges in our bilateral relationship are complex and multi-faceted. It is unlikely that they are all able to be resolved quickly. The COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately resulted in new tensions at a time when our two governments should be working together to lead the world out of this humanitarian crisis.

TopNewsExpress:In your opinion, what is the top priority for saving China-US trade?

Allen: Given the complexity of our relationship, it is unlikely that one single issue can fully resolve the challenges in our trade relationship. The differences in our economic and political systems will inevitably lead to frictions and competition, which is healthy and expected for the world’s two largest economies. What is important is that we are able to discuss our challenges together, and work out our problems through dialogue and action.


下一篇:马来西亚中华总商会开展问卷调查 确保经济平稳过渡




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