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2019-08-30 11:32  西南美国商会   - 



AmCham triumphantly hosted 2019 AmCham Summer Carnival, the largest, and the most influential international celebration. It took place in Meishi International School, with Griffin International Academy as the title sponsor, and Chongqing Cummins Engine Company as the ticket title sponsorMore than 1500 guests attended this carnival, with the presence of officials from the Consulate General of the United States in Chengdu, officials from the Consulate General of Australia in Chengdu, officials from the Consulate General of New Zealand in Chengdu, officials from the Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, officials from the Consulate General of Korea in Chengdu, officials from the Consulate General of Austria in Chengdu, and other foreign consulate officials, Canadian Trade Office Chengdu, Sichuan Economic Cooperation Bureau, Sichuan Department of Justice, Chengdu Investment Promotion Committe, Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office, AmCham’s Board of Governors, AmCham member companies, CEOs and managers from Fortune 500 Enterprises, as well as their friends and family.

活动当天,一群活泼可爱的小朋友和着明朗的节奏用踢踏舞奠定愉悦的基调。紧随其后的是国际友人们用欢快的演唱为活动拉开序幕,一首耳熟能详的《Take on me》令入场的嘉客们宾至如归。接着,美国驻成都总领事馆总领事林杰伟先生致辞,对美商会自成立以来与美国总领事馆紧密而融洽的合作表示感谢。而后,中国西南美国商会会长王晓东先生对所有莅临的嘉宾表示热情的欢迎,同时也感谢各位赞助商和会员们对美商会的大力支持,预祝本次活动圆满进行。最后美中国际GIA教育集团创始人&总裁、城投驿都学校-美中国际GIA创始人王寅先生上台致辞,并祝大家度过一个愉快的夜晚


Little dancers performed a happy beginning coping with the clear rhythm. After that, foreign performers welcomed the guests with singing performance Take on me. Then, Mr. Jim Mullinax Consul General of US Consulate General in Chengdu, opened as the first speaker of the evening, expressing gratitudes to AmCham’s effective collaboration with the US Consulates. Following his speech, Mr. Benjamin Wang, the Chairman of AmCham Southwest China, warmly welcomed all guests and thanked all sponsors for their generous support. Mr. Michael Wang, Founder & CEO of the Griffin International Academy briefly introduced their school and wished everyone a wonderful night.



74 enthusiastic sponsors served thousands of guests. Dozens of five-star hotels and regional restaurants joined together to provide summer-time delicacies. The food variety covered from western pizza to eastern buckwheat noodle, from small bits of ice-cream to mouthful portions of roasted pork, and from seafood salmon to livestock lamb. Furthermore, craft beer, good wine, and ice tea helped to wet throats and left taste on lips. All the food and beverages along with snacks and customized Coca Cola bottles with Chinese cities, lead to an ultimate enjoyment of taste buds, and a substantial sublimation of this cultural exchange.



Except for the plates, stages also presented a splendid view! The live sand painting depicted beautiful sceneries, modern dances embodied the vitality of lives, Sichuan face-changing and Sichuan opera demonstrated the beauty of traditional culture. Dazzling magic show, funny clown performance, and charming dance by children perform in different forms but with the same purpose to bring joy. Off the stage, Marvel Super Heroes, Disney characters, Dinosaur fossil show, fantastic bubble show covered every corner of the field. Webbing a beautiful dream in the Carnival! The climax of the evening came when three rounds of lucky draws were announced for adults and two rounds for children, with prizes valued more than RMB 200,000. The gifts included round-trip flight tickets from Chengdu to the United States, family vouchers from international tourist resorts, five-star hotel room and meal vouchers, VIP 24-Hours Test Drive Program Vouchers, custom made Reform and Opening Up 40th Anniversary gift boxes, family tickets packages of classical romantic children's dramas and more.




AmCham Southwest Officer Charles Cheung introduced the AmCham’s long-lasting dedication to charity. In 2019, AmCham used  RMB10,000 to promote delicious cherries in Jiuzhaigou county in cooperation with the Qiongjiuxueyu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. to support the local agriculture and culture products.





Due to the generous support from its 74 sponsors, the 2019 AmCham Summer Carnival yielded great success. It was more than just an Independence Day celebration, but a wonderful atmosphere for friends from every walk in life to come together and enjoy this memorable time. Beyond this, AmCham Southwest team will continue to make persistent efforts to deliver every opportunity to its members to engage in meaningful and helpful activities in Southwest China. We hope our work can contribute to the global community and maintain a harmonious economic relationship between the US and China. We are looking forward to meeting you in 2020 AmCham Summer Carnival! 






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