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2019-10-23 18:00   美国新闻网   - 













great white shark










Great white sharks are normally thought of as being largely solitary animals that only come together to mate. However, research has revealed for the first time that the predators may purposefully form "communities" and consistently spend time with certain groups.

Scientists already knew that large numbers of great whites periodically aggregate in certain locations, depending on the season, to hunt baby seals in their colonies. They have also sometimes been spotted in pairs or small groups around large carcasses.

Previously, researchers explained the gatherings by saying they are random in nature, that the sharks only came for the food and not because they wanted to interact with other individuals from their species.

However, great whites may be more social than once thought, according to a study published in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

For the study, a team of scientists led by Stephan Leu from Macquarie University in New South Wales, Australia, examined white sharks that frequently gather in large numbers at a site in the Neptune Islands—located off Australia's southern coast. This area, near a seal nursery, lays claim to hosting the largest aggregation of great whites in the country.

Over the course of four-and-a-half years, between June 2010 and November 2014, the researchers monitored nearly 300 sharks that visited the site using by taking pictures so that they could identify individuals. They also conducted a network analysis to determine whether or not sharks were gathering in specific groups.

Their observations revealed that many of the sharks were spotted next to others more frequently than would be expected by chance. This led the researchers to conclude, for the first time, that many of the sharks like to hang out in certain groups, and that these relationships can last for several years.

"Rather than just being around randomly, the sharks formed four distinct communities, which showed that some sharks were more likely to use the site simultaneously than expected by chance," Leu said in a statement.

"The numbers varied across time, and we suggest that sex-dependent patterns of visitation at the Neptune Islands drive the observed community structure," he said.

Despite their latest findings, the team is still unsure of the reason behind the sharks forming these persistent communities.

"Our findings show that white sharks don't gather just by chance, but more research is needed to find out why."


great white shark

Stock photo: A great white shark.


This is not the first evidence that has emerged recently of white sharks interacting. Earlier this year, researchers captured fascinating footage of two great white sharks interacting with each other in an unusual display in the waters off Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Greg Skomal from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) previously told Newsweek that this video was the first time anyone from his organization had seen social interaction between white sharks. Researchers have since been analyzing the video to see whether it demonstrates aggressive/defensive behavior, or if it is related to mating in some way.

Researchers from non-profit OCEARCH—which tracks great whites with tags—have suggested that there are two sub-populations of white sharks in the Northwest Atlantic: one that aggregates in the Cape Cod area in the late summer and early fall and another that aggregates in Canada.

"So in the study of the white shark in the northwest Atlantic, we're tracking these big animals all the way from Atlantic Canada to all the way down in the Florida peninsula," Robert Hunter, OCEARCH's chief science adviser, said in a video on the organization's Facebook page.


"Something fascinating that we've noticed is that there are some animals that go to the Cape Cod area in the summertime to feed. And then there are others, that have bypassed cape cod and come up Nova Scotia to feed," he said. "So right now we are looking at the possibility of two distinct groups or subpopulations of white sharks in the northwest Atlantic."

There is even a place in the Pacific Ocean known as the "White Shark Café"— a 160-mile wide stretch of seemingly barren ocean where white sharks that normally live off the North American West Coast travel to every year during the winter. This unusual migration has puzzled scientists for decades.







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