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特朗普政府将Keystone XL重点争议提交最高法院

2020-06-17 15:09   美国新闻网   - 

海伦娜,蒙特。——特朗普政府已要求美国最高法院重启一项许可计划,允许有争议的Keystone XL管道和其他新的石油和天然气管道在几乎没有审查的情况下穿越水道。

今年早些时候,蒙大拿州的一名法官暂停了美国陆军工程兵部队的许可证项目,当时环保团体试图阻止Keystone XL输油管道的建设,认为许可证程序允许公司规避对水体造成损害的责任。


加拿大TC能源公司需要许可证来建造这条从加拿大穿越美国河流和小溪的有争议的管道。行业代表表示,美国地方法官布赖恩·莫里斯(Brian Morris)否决该项目的裁决也可能会推迟美国70多个管道项目,并增加高达20亿美元的成本。



周一,美国副检察长诺埃尔·弗朗西斯科(Noel Francisco)要求最高法院做第九巡回法院做不到的事情:阻止莫里斯的裁决,让许可程序在诉讼进行期间再次运行。


弗朗西斯科写道:“地方法院没有授权撤销NWP 12号关于Keystone XL的判决,更不用说在全国任何地方建设所有新的石油和天然气管道了。”。


“像Keystone XL这样的管道是一场等待发生的灾难,”高级律师贾里德·马戈利斯在声明中说。




Trump administration takes Keystone dispute to Supreme Court

HELENA, Mont. -- The Trump administration has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revive a permit program that would allow the disputed Keystone XL pipeline and other new oil and gas pipelines to cross waterways with little review.

Earlier this year, a Montana judge suspended the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ permit program when environmental groups seeking to block construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline argued the permit process allows companies to skirt responsibility for damage done to water bodies.

The permit program, known as Nationwide Permit 12, allows pipelines to be built across streams and wetlands with minimal review if they meet certain criteria.

Canadian company TC Energy needs the permit to build the long-disputed pipeline from Canada across U.S. rivers and streams. Industry representatives said U.S. District Judge Brian Morris' ruling blocking the program could also delay more than 70 pipeline projects across the U.S. and add as much as $2 billion in costs.

Morris ruled that Army Corps officials in 2017 improperly reauthorized the program, which he said could harm protected wildlife and wildlife habitat.

Last month, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied an emergency request to block Morris' ruling filed by the U.S. government, states and industry groups.

On Monday, U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco asked the Supreme Court to do what the 9th Circuit court wouldn't: block Morris' ruling and let the permit program operate again while the lawsuit plays out in court.

The government's application to the court says Morris shouldn't have blocked the program, the which has been in effect since the 1970s, and the Army Corps and private companies “rely on it for thousands of activities annually," the solicitor general wrote.

“The district court had no warrant to set aside NWP 12 with respect to Keystone XL, let alone for the construction of all new oil and gas pipelines anywhere in the country,” Francisco wrote.

One of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement that the Supreme Court should reject the Trump administration's request.

“Pipelines like Keystone XL are a disaster waiting to happen," senior attorney Jared Margolis said in the statement.

In May, TC Energy built the first piece of the disputed oil sands pipeline across the U.S. border. But with Morris' ruling on the permit program, it would be difficult for the company to complete the $8 billion project.

The 1,200-mile (1,900-kilometer) pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska was stalled for much of the past decade before PresidentDonald Trumpwas elected and began trying to push it through to completion.


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