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2019-07-29 10:37   美国新闻网   - 





此外,据报道,这些照片是在国会选区和由坚定的共和党特朗普捍卫者控制的各州拍摄的,包括俄亥俄州国会议员吉姆·乔丹、肯塔基州参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔和加利福尼亚州圣华金谷和弗雷斯诺的众议员德文·努内斯(Devin Nunes)选区。





republican districts poverty homelessness trump



A图片的病毒线索周日早上,一名律师用推特账号@ BJS·奎尔发布了共和党控制区的照片。包括林赛·格雷厄姆和马特·盖兹在内的几名共和党参议员和众议员成为了南卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州各自选区极度贫困的目标。


republican districts poverty crime homeless






republican poverty districts homeless texas

  周日早上,一名律师用推特账号@ BJS·奎尔发布了一条显示共和党控制区的病毒图片





Critics of President Donald Trump responded to his recent labeling of Elijah Cummings' congressional district in Maryland as "disgusting" and "rodent infested" with photos of neighborhoods in Republican-controlled districts that also appeared to be rife with homelessness, poverty and waste.

Trump on Saturday railed against Cummings and Baltimore — about half of which falls in the congressman's district — calling the city "disgusting rat and rodent infested." Rather than decry or disavow the president's remarks, Trump's allies and conservative media outlets like Fox News attempted to bolster his claim by sharing photos and video of destitute and dirty portions of the Maryland metropolis. White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said Sunday he'd have been "fired" from running his former South Carolina congressional district if it had as much crime and homelessness.

But Trump critics began pointing out these images were cherry-picked and failed to tell the whole story of Baltimore or the many suburban and rural communities included in Cummings' district, they also posted pictures of their own of neighborhoods blighted by poverty and crime.

What's more, these photos were reportedly taken in congressional districts and states controlled by staunch Republican Trump defenders, including Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Rep. Devin Nunes' district in California's San Joaquin Valley and Fresno.

The photos showed desperate scenes of poverty and waste in the largely rural and agricultural areas held by members of the GOP.

During Trump's Saturday rant against Baltimore, he described Cummings' district as "FAR WORSE and more dangerous" than the Southern Border with Mexico. And claimed, "His district is considered the Worst in the USA."

But many left-leaning Twitter users defended Democratic-held districts across the U.S., noting that 8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states, according to Census data.

Fox News joined Trump's offensive against Maryland's 7th District Sunday, with Fox & Friends co-host Pete Hegseth saying Cummings has overseen a "systemic culture of poverty." Many media analysts suggested it was Fox News' own Saturday segment on Cummings' district which provoked Trump's anti-Baltimore rant in the first place. The segment showed pictures and videos from the most destitute portions of West Baltimore.

republican districts poverty homelessness trump

Critics of President Trump and his labeling of Baltimore as "disgusting" began posting pictures to social media showing Republican-controlled areas rife with homelessness, poverty and masses of garbage.MO LATNO BILL PHELAN/SCREENSHOT: TWITTER

White House Chief of Staff Mulvaney joined in support of condemning Baltimore and Cummings' longtime Democratic district.

viral thread of pictures showing Republican-held districts was posted by an attorney using the Twitter handle of @BJS_quire Sunday morning. Several GOP senators and House members including Lindsey Graham and Matt Gaetz were targeted for scenes of dire poverty in their respective South Carolina and Florida constituent bases.

The thread noted people live in poverty in districts across the entire country, not just districts under either Republican or Democrat electoral control.

republican districts poverty crime homeless

Critics of President Trump and his labeling of Baltimore as "disgusting" began posting pictures to social media showing Republican-controlled areas rife with homelessness, poverty and masses of garbage.SCREENSHOT: TWITTER | @BJS_QUIRE

"The point, which many have picked up on, is this...Poverty, homelessness, & crime can be seen across America. Singling out one city and Congressman (especially of the pedigree of @RepCummings) is not about addressing the problems. It's about something else. And we all know it."

Many current and former members of Congress from both sides of the aisle noted Trump should be more concerned because all of these cities are filled with Americans, not just members of a rival political party.

"The United States of America includes West Baltimore," former GOP Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh tweeted Sunday. "Somebody tell Trump that Baltimore is in the United States. Trump is President of the United States. So then isn't Trump responsible for the disgusting conditions in Baltimore?"

Mulvaney defended Trump's attacks on Baltimore, telling Fox News Sunday that he would have been "fired" if his former rural South Carolina district he flipped in 2010 had crime like that of Baltimore. But critics pounced on Mulvaney's claims, pointing to census and poverty statistics showing Mulvaney's very rural and agriculture 5th District was poorer than Cummings' district.

republican poverty districts homeless texas

A viral thread of pictures showing Republican-held districts was posted by an attorney using the Twitter handle of @BJS_quire Sunday morningSCREENSHOT: TWITTER | @BJS_QUIRE

"If I had poverty in my district like they have in Baltimore, if I had crime in my district like they have in Chicago, if I had homelessness in my district like they have in San Francisco, and I spent all of my time in Washington, D.C., chasing down this Mueller investigation, this bizarre impeachment crusade, I'd get fired," Mulvaney said Sunday.

Many Trump critics labeled the president a "racist" for singling out a largely African-American part of Maryland. And prior to Trump's election, he called black Democratic Georgia congressman John Lewis' district "crime infested." But Mulvaney said Trump's comments had "zero to do with race."







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