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2019-09-19 13:02   美国新闻网   - 





马利基说:“现在我们正在努力确切知道发射点,无论是谁发射了无人驾驶飞行器巡航导弹,都将对袭击沙特基础设施和沙特平民负责。”他补充说,“这不是针对Saudi Aramco或沙特王国,而是对国际社会的袭击;蓄意破坏全球经济和能源行业的企图。”

saudi arabia missile drone attack iran
9月18日,沙特国防部发言人图尔基·本·萨利赫·马勒基上校在利雅得的新闻发布会上发表讲话,此前Saudi Aramco在阿布盖克和胡赖斯的设施遭到周末袭击。沙特阿拉伯表示,对其石油基础设施的袭击来自“北方”,由伊朗发起,但沙特王国仍在调查确切的发射地点。


胡塞人举行了他们自己的新闻发布会,发言人叶海亚·萨雷(Yahya Saree)在会上双倍强调了该组织的说法,即他们的部队使用无人机实施了攻击,作为他们威慑平衡行动2的一部分。和马利基一样,萨雷展示了袭击现场的假想卫星图像,并声称“美国人试图在行动后用他们的侦察机发布伪造的图像,以使它们看起来不那么严重”,威胁对沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国的进一步袭击。




houthi military yemen saudi arabia attacks









Saudi Arabia has officially blamed recent attacks against key oil sites in the kingdom on its top rival, Iran, which has said it was prepared for a potential conflict, though it sought to avoid such an outcome.

Colonel Turki bin Saleh al-Maliki, a spokesperson for the Saudi-led coalition battling the Ansar Allah, or Houthi, Zaidi Shiite Muslim movement in Yemen, hosted a press conference Wednesday in which he presented a range of weaponry allegedly used in Saturday's attacks on the Abqaiq oil-processing site and nearby Khurais oil field. He attributed the weapons, which included 18 drones and seven land-attack cruise missiles, to "the Iranian regime and the Iranian IRGC," a reference to the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Maliki displayed evidence purporting to show that "the direction of the attack came from north to the south" and demonstrated "advanced capability." This he said, suggested it did not originate from Yemen as was claimed by the Houthis, who he argued were "just following the order of the IRGC" in their narrative.

"Right now we are working to know exactly the launch point, whoever launched the UAV, the cruise missile, will take the accountability for attacking the Saudi infrastructure and the Saudi civilians," Maliki said, adding that "this not against Saudi Aramco or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it was an assault on the international community; a deliberate attempt to disrupt the global economy and the energy industry."

saudi arabia missile drone attack iran
Saudi Defense Ministry spokesperson Colonel Turki bin Saleh al-Malki speaks during a press conference in Riyadh, September 18, following the weekend attacks on Saudi Aramco's facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais. Saudi Arabia said that strikes on its oil infrastructure came from the "north" and were sponsored by Iran, but that the kingdom was still investigating the exact launch site.

Asked how Saudi Arabia could determine the launch site, Maliki told reporters that "some of the components here, the Iranian regime and the IRGC, they are trying to erase the information, however, we have collected enough information." He declined, however, to answer a follow-up question as to whether he had determined whether or not it was Iranian forces themselves who launched the attack.

The Houthis held their own press conference, where spokesperson Yahya Saree doubled down on the group's claims that their forces carried out the attacks using drones as part of their Operation Deterrence Balance 2. Like Maliki, Saree displayed supposed satellite imagery of the attack sites and claimed the "Americans tried to publish fabricated images after the operations with their surveillance aircraft to make them seem less serious," threatening further attacks against both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Iran, meanwhile, has long dismissed claims that it directly backed the Houthis in their four-year conflict with the Saudi-led coalition. In an official note sent earlier Wednesday to Washington via the Swiss embassy in Tehran, Iranian officials continued to deny their country's involvement in Saturday's attacks and warned any their forces any attack on Iran would be met with an immediate reaction not confined to the source of the strike.

Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani said Wednesday that "Iran's strategic policy is to reduce tensions, avoid any conflict and resolve regional crises through dialogue," according to the semi-official Tasnim News Agency. He warned, however, that "the country is fully prepared to monitor any intention or attempt to attack the Islamic Republic or its interests and will surprise aggressors most severely through a crushing and comprehensive response to possible evil actions."

In a tweet, Trump said earlier Wednesday that he had "just instructed the Secretary of the Treasury to substantially increase Sanctions on the country of Iran!" The day before, the president said it was "looking like" Iran was behind the attack, but did not go as far as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who quickly blamed Tehran on Saturday.

houthi military yemen saudi arabia attacks
An image grab taken from a video made available by al-Houthi Media Office shows Houthi military spokesperson Brigadier-General Yahya Saree speaking at a press conference on September 18, during which the Yemeni rebel group threatened to more attacks on Saudi Arabia, as well as on "dozens of targets" in the United Arab Emirates including the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Tensions between Tehran and Riyadh have played out amid a U.S.-led campaign to isolate Iran's growing regional influence. Seen as a staunch ally of Iran's foes Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Donald Trump left a 2015 nuclear deal, accusing the Islamic Republic of using sanctions relief to further support militant groups and develop missile technology and imposing new economic restrictions that have put the U.S. at odds with China, the European Union, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom, all of whom still support the agreement.


Beijing and Moscow have also condemned the attack in Saudi Arabia, but have called on Washington and the international community to hold off on making preemptive accusations as to Tehran's potential involvement. Russian President Vladimir Putin also offered to sell Saudi Arabia advanced S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air defense systems as he did Iran and Turkey, respectively, during a press conference alongside the leaders of both countries.


Saudi Arabia has mostly deployed U.S. defenses, which apparently failed to detect Saturday's reportedly low-flying strikes. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday, however, that the potential arms sale was not discussed during a phone call earlier in the day between Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency.

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has dismissed the possibility of any meeting between Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Trump at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, or any other Tehran-Washington dialogue until the U.S. upheld its nuclear deal commitments. Trump has also rescinded his previous offers to meet without preconditions.






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