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2019-09-22 13:08   美国新闻网   - 

查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)于2017年11月1日在纽约市的Paley媒体中心出席Paley媒体中心的演讲:新闻又回来了:CBS今天上午和早晨的风景。

       艾美奖提名的化妆师因在罗斯黄金时段的访谈节目中长达数十年的任期中的厌恶和骚扰指控而对前雇主,羞辱新闻主播查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)提起诉讼。

       现年62岁的吉娜·里吉(Gina Riggi)周四在纽约州最高法院提起诉讼,指控她“有一种厌恶,辱骂的行为,”她声称罗斯因其性别而“贬低,尴尬和贬低了她”。





       “在整个工作日和工作活动中,罗斯先生经常摸索着,用爪子at着女职员,将自己压在她们身上,拥抱她们,亲吻她们,将她们拉向他,在他们耳边低语,凝视她们的乳房,低头他们的衬衫,否则会使他们遭受不适当和不想要的身体接触。” “罗斯先生评论了他们的外表,对他们的个人生活和浪漫生活提出了不适当的问题,并用深夜的电话给他们讨价还价。在许多情况下,如下所述,他提出了明显的性暗示。”

       Riggi是一位拥有30年行业经验的资深人士,是Charlie Rose表演节目中服务时间最长的第三名员工。在参加Rose节目的辛迪加脱口秀Sally Jesse Raphael Show中,她获得了艾美奖提名。

       在与罗斯(Rose)任职期间,她说,她“为其他据称受害者提供了资源”,为她的化妆间提供了“避难所”,以防止不必要的遭遇。她在化妆领域拥有广泛的职业生涯,为诸如巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama),比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)和罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)等人物提供服务。


       诉讼称:“罗斯先生还经常嘲笑瑞吉女士的外表,特别是对她的体重发表嘲讽和不恰当的评论。” “罗斯先生经常在其他工作人员面前向里吉女士发表这些评论,在朋友和同事面前公开羞辱和羞辱她。”




The Paley Center For Media Presents: The News Is Back: CBS This Morning And The Morning Landscape
Charlie Rose attends The Paley Center for Media Presents: The News is Back: CBS This Morning And The Morning Landscape at The Paley Center for Media on November 1, 2017 in New York City.

       An Emmy Award-nominated makeup artist filed suit against her former employer, disgraced news anchor Charlie Rose, over allegations of misogyny and harassment during her decades-long tenure on Rose's primetime interview show.

       Gina Riggi, 62, lodged her complaint Thursday in New York State Supreme Court alleging "a pattern of misogynistic, abusive behavior," by which she claimed Rose was "demeaning, embarrassing and degrading [to] her because of her gender."

       The alleged harassment is said to have included derogatory comments about her appearance and instances of physical violence.

       This is just the latest accusation of professional misconduct to be leveled against Rose, a formerly esteemed news presenter and journalist whose long career in public media earned him substantial acclaim within the industry, until reports began to emerge about his allegedly inappropriate conduct.

       When the #MeToo movement began in 2017 with allegations of sexual misconduct against famed movie producer Harvey Weinstein, Rose was almost immediately implicated in similar behavior. A Washington Post report revealed the stories of eight women who accused Rose of making unwanted sexual advances, including inappropriate touching, disturbingly sexual phone calls and unexpected nudity.

       The following day, CBS fired Rose, a co-anchor of the network's morning show CBS This Morning, and PBS ended production of his interview program. Some of the allegations in Riggi's lawsuit mirror behavior that has been attributed to Rose in public reporting.

       "Throughout the workday, and at work events, Mr. Rose routinely groped and pawed at his female staff, pressed himself against them, hugged them, kissed them, pulled them toward him, whispered in their ears, stared at their breasts, looked down their shirts, and otherwise subjected them to inappropriate and unwanted physical contact," Thursday's filing claims. "Mr. Rose commented on their physical appearance, asked inappropriate questions about their personal and romantic lives, and barraged them with late-night phone calls. In many instances, as detailed below, he made explicit sexual overtures."

       A 30-year industry veteran, Riggi was the Charlie Rose show's third-longest serving employee. She received an Emmy Award nomination before she joined Rose's program for her work on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show, a syndicated talk show.

       During her tenure with Rose, she said that she "served as a resource" for other alleged victims, providing her makeup room "as a refuge" from unwanted encounters. She has had a wide-ranging career in the makeup field, providing her services to figures such as Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie and Rosa Parks.

       Riggi's alleged suffering during the show's production was apparently constant and unyielding, according to the lawsuit, which alleges that she was "verbally abused... on an almost daily basis."

       "Mr. Rose also routinely ridiculed Ms. Riggi's physical appearance, in particular, making derisive and inappropriate comments about her weight," the lawsuit claims. "Mr. Rose often made these comments to Ms. Riggi in front of other staff, publicly shaming and humiliating her before friends and colleagues."

       Rose has previously denied the full substance of other allegations made against him, while conceding to some more minor transgressions.

       A lawyer for Riggi did not return a request for comment. Defense lawyers involved in a previous sexual harassment lawsuit against Rose did not respond on his behalf to a request for comment.






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