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2019-09-23 14:10   美国新闻网   - 


       以色列的阿拉伯政党联盟表示,他们对总理候选人本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)的历史性推荐,是唐纳德·特朗普总统及其本杰明·内塔尼亚胡的密切支持的“一记耳光”。

       耶路撒冷邮报指出,自1992年以来,以阿拉伯人为主的以色列政府议会分支机构的联合名单派系以前从未向总理提出过建议,而他们上周的投票不仅是为了免除内塔尼亚胡,而且是要拒绝特朗普。 。周日,联合名单领导人阿曼·奥德(Ayman Odeh)批准了甘茨领导下届政府,从而创造了历史,而联合名单党阿拉伯变革运动负责人艾哈迈德·提比(Ahmad Tibi)表示,罢免内塔尼亚胡之举部分是出于外交原因。

       耶路撒冷邮报周日报道,提比用英语说:“我们的选择是面对特朗普及其最终协议。” “特朗普先生,保持你的协议。巴勒斯坦人应有自己的状态。你明白吗?”

       奥德(Odeh)上周在新的政府磋商中告诉以色列总统鲁文·里夫林(Reuven Rivlin),阿拉伯各方正在“寻找防止内塔尼亚胡出任总理的方式,而这正是大多数公众所希望的。因此,我们的建议是,建议甘茨组建内阁。下届政府。”






以色列的阿拉伯政党联盟表示,他们对总理候选人本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)的历史性推荐,是唐纳德·特朗普总统及其本杰明·内塔尼亚胡的密切支持的“一记耳光”。


       Israel's alliance of Arab parties said their historic recommendation of prime minister candidate Benny Gantz was intended as a "slap in the face" to President Donald Trump and his close support of Benjamin Netanyahu.

       The Arab-dominated Joint List faction of the Israeli government's Knesset legislative branch had not previously made a recommendation for prime minister since 1992, the Jerusalem Post noted, and their vote this past week was intended not only to remove Netanyahu, but also to rebuff Trump. On Sunday, Joint List leader Ayman Odeh made history by endorsing Gantz to head the next government, while Ahmad Tibi, the head of Joint List party Arab Movement for Change, said the move to oust Netanyahu was made in part for diplomatic reasons.

       "Our choice is a slap in the face to Trump and his ultimate deal," Tibi said in English, the Jerusalem Post reported Sunday. "Mr. Trump, keep your deal. The Palestinians deserve a state of their own. Do you understand this?"

       Odeh told Israeli President Reuven Rivlin during new government consultations last week that the Arab parties are "looking for the way to prevent Netanyahu from being prime minister, and that is what most of the public wants. Therefore, our recommendation is for Gantz to form the next government."

       Currently, Netanyahu has a slight majority of recommendations, with 55 Knesset members from the Likud, Shas, United Torah Judaism and Yamina parties backing him for prime minister versus Gantz's 54 recommendations from parties including Blue and White, Labor-Gesher, Democratic Union and most members of the Arab-dominated Joint List.

       The Israeli parliament passes all the nation's laws and ultimately elects the president and prime minister.

       Tibi told Rivlin that Gantz is "not our cup of tea," but cited criticisms of Netanyahu saying, "Our voters wanted this historic moment after a leader systematically incited against us as if we are an enemy."

       Trump outraged Palestinians, Arab Israelis and other supporters of the two-state solution in 2018 when he announced plans to relocate the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a city to which both Israelis and Palestinians lay claim. The two-state solution an approach to ending Israeli-Palestinian tensions that foresees the two populations eventually splitting into separate countries. Previous proposals have included plans for Jerusalem to remain under international control, accessible to members of both groups as well as the large number of religious devotees of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths who visit holy sites in the city each year.

       In 2019, the United States ended all aid to Palestinian Territories.

arab israel joint list trump
Israel's alliance of Arab parties said their historic recommendation of prime minister candidate Benny Gantz was intended as a "slap in the face" to President Donald Trump and his close support of Benjamin Netanyahu.






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