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2019-09-26 13:02   美国新闻网   - 












  • “我和佩洛西总统相处得很好。”
  • “我同意你对她的怀疑。但在唐纳德·特朗普公然犯罪之后,“总统”佩洛西将不得不小心她的“私人助理”和“私人助理”/“在未来相当长的一段时间里,我们不会相信任何总统。”
  • “我猜彭斯在这件事上不清白。这意味着佩洛西总统。”
  • “但是,有很多方法可以让弹劾谈判不要以佩洛西总统告终,因为我认为共和党会觉得这很不愉快,以至于他们会因此拒绝定罪和罢免。”
  • “这个国家搞不好Wtf...佩洛西总统正在流行,你在开玩笑吗...我不会让这个疯子照看我的猫!!!!”
  • “我们只需要#总统佩洛西或#总统助理的前两个。”
  • “我已经说过一段时间了,我的最佳结果是特朗普和彭斯都下台,佩洛西成为总统。然后每个人的头都会爆炸。”
  • “你们这些白痴都尖声抱怨弹劾。...我想知道你是否知道,即使特朗普被弹劾,也不意味着他会被免职。...无论如何都不会发生。回到享受你伟大的经济吧。”



       One day after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that her chamber would launch an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, the speaker is trending on social media to be the next president.

       A Twitter thread called #PresidentPelosi began picking up steam late Wednesday afternoon, and most users following and retweeting the thread seem rather excited about the prospect of Pelosi becoming the commander-in-chief.

       Pelosi wouldn't necessarily have to run in 2020 to become president, as she is second in line—behind Vice President Mike Pence—to take the White House should Trump leave office and, then subsequently, Pence leave office after assuming it. The 2020 Democratic field of candidates still continues to whittle away with each passing month, and entering the race is another option.

       Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry as speculation began of Trump conspiring with Ukrainian leadership to dig up information on former Vice President—and Democratic frontrunner—Joe Biden and his son's business dealings with Ukraine. The White House released the transcript of Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

       Also included in the transcript is Trump asking Zelensky to look into the American cyber security company CrowdStrike, which examined the DNC server after suspected Russian hackers in 2016.

Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks to the media at the Capitol Building September 24, 2019 in Washington, DC.

       The thought of Pelosi becoming president has most Twitter followers on that particular thread rather giddy.

       One user wrote, "Just a constitutional reminder that if both #Trump and #Pence are removed from office by impeachment, which may happen, #46 will be President Nancy Pelosi. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

       Here is a little more of what people are saying. (Note: not all comments are pro-Pelosi, and Twitter links are embedded in the quotes.)

  • "I'm good with President Pelosi."
  • "I share your doubts about her. But after the flagrant criminality of Donald Trump, a "President" Pelosi would have to mind her "P's" and "Q's"/ We're not going to trust any President for quite a while to come."
  • "Pence isn't clean on this I'm guessing. And that would mean President Pelosi."
  • "But, there are ways to negotiate an impeachment that doesn't end with President Pelosi, because I think the GOP would find that so unpalatable that they would refuse to convict and remove just for that reason."
  • "Wtf is wrong with this country...President Pelosi is trending, are you kidding me... i wouldn't let this nut job watch my cats!!!!"
  • "We just need the first two for #PresidentPelosi or #PresidentHillary."
  • "I've been saying for a while that my optimal outcome would be removal of both Trump and Pence and Pelosi becoming president. Then everyone's head would explode."
  • "All you morons screeching about impeachment. ... I wonder if you know that even if Trump gets impeached, that doesn't mean he will be removed from office. ... None of it will happen anyway. Just go back to enjoying your great economy."

       Here is the link to the President Pelosi thread on Twitter.






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