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2019-09-27 15:34   美国新闻网   - 


       福克斯新闻主持人塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)周四谴责众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)在本周早些时候宣布对唐纳德·特朗普总统进行弹each的调查,并推测举报人-正式提起诉讼导致弹each的人-破坏了特朗普,因为“不同意总统的外交政策观点。”

       在举报人正式提起诉讼后,主持人在周四的塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)今晚的开幕独白中坚决为特朗普辩护,指责总统对乌克兰总统沃洛迪米尔·泽伦斯基施加压力,以调查其2020年竞争对手前副总统乔·拜登的儿子亨特·拜登。


       卡尔森说:“如今,[CIA]和其他类似的情报机构已不仅仅是政府的决策机构,有时他们显然想成为政府本身。” “他们想经营一切。”

福克斯新闻主持人塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)周四指责众议院本周早些时候对唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)发起弹imp调查。


       卡尔森说:“我们今天获悉,向总统提起所谓举报人指控的官员是中情局的职业军官。” “这位官员不同意总统的外交政策观点,因此他感到有权否决这些观点并使美国政府陷入停顿。他做到了。”*



       卡尔森补充说:“部分原因是我们的错,我们在媒体中设置了这些可怕的激励措施,除非您说极端和无聊的事情,否则您就不会上电视。” “令人惊讶的是,这么多极端和无意识的言论来自那些有着悠久而杰出职业的人们,他们为了在电视上而自卑。”


       福克斯新闻的评论家塔克·卡尔森·托纳特(Tucker Carlson Tonight)节目被网络描述为“充满激情的辩论和有力的报道之时”,今年以来,主持人多次谴责主持人,因为他们专注于对移民的威胁性报道和对政治正确性的愤怒。#卡尔·卡尔森(FireTuckerCarlson)的#标签在8月开始在Twitter上流行,此前卡尔森(Carlson)将美国对白人至上主义崛起的担忧日益加剧称为“骗局”。



       Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday condemned the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump that was announced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier this week and speculated that the whistleblower—who filed a formal complaint which led to the impeachment inquiry—undermined Trump because "he did not agree with the president's foreign policy views."

       During his opening monologue on Thursday's Tucker Carlson Tonight, the host staunchly defended Trump after the whistleblower filed a formal complaint accusing the president of pressuring Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate his 2020 rival former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

       The whistleblower also alleged that the White House covered up a phone conversation made between Trump and Zelensky in July. A partial transcript of the call, released by the White House on Wednesday, proved that Trump did ask Ukraine for assistance in probing Biden's family.

       "Today, the [CIA] and other intel agencies like it aren't simply policy-making arms of government, at times they clearly want to be the government itself," Carlson said. "They want to run everything."

Tucker Carlson
Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday railed against an impeachment inquiry launched by the House earlier this week into President Donald Trump.

       The New York Times faced public criticism today after they outed the whistleblower as a male CIA officer who had once been detailed to the White House. The Thursday report contains the most detailed description of the whistleblower to date. Although his name still remains unknown to the public. Carlson used the information to speculate that the whistleblower lodged the complaint with unscrupulous intentions.

       "We learnt today that the official who filed the so-called whistleblower complaint against the president was a career CIA officer detailed to the White House," Carlson said. "The official did not agree with the president's foreign policy views so he felt entitled to veto those views and bring the U.S. government to a standstill. Which he did."

       The complaint "tells us nothing we didn't know from the transcript of the phone call that was released," the host continued.

       "Trump talked about a variety of issues with the president of Ukraine, including possible corruption involving Joe Biden and his son. Trump never mentioned military aid or any kind of quid pro quo," he said.

       "You know, part of this is our fault, in the media we set up these just terrible incentives where you don't get on television unless you say extreme and mindless things," Carlson added. "What is surprising is how so many of these extreme and mindless statements come from people with long and distinguished careers, debasing themselves in order to be on television."

       Carlson's remarks come less than a year after his show lost at least 35 advertisers—including bedding company Sheex and drugmaker AstraZeneca—due to statements he's made live on-air.

       Critics of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight, a show described by the network as an "hour of spirited debate and powerful reporting," have condemned the host on numerous occasions this year for focussing on threatening stories about immigrants and outrage over political correctness. The hashtag #FireTuckerCarlson began trending on Twitter in August after Carlson called America's growing concerns about the rise of white supremacy a "hoax."

       In March, Fox News defended Carlson as the show experienced a drop in advertisers. "We cannot and will not allow voices like Tucker Carlson to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts from the likes of Moveon.org, Media Matters and Sleeping Giants," the company said in a statement.






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