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2019-09-28 10:36   美国新闻网   - 


       加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)和慈善家,前纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)宣布了一项新计划,该计划将使用卫星数据监测加利福尼亚州的气候变化。





       Newsom说:“在采用新技术方面,加利福尼亚是推动变革的力量。” “我们将与Planet和彭博慈善基金会合作,通过利用卫星数据和分析来执行我们大胆的气候政策,继续推进气候领导事业。”

       纽瑟姆的前任,前州长杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown),也是民主党人,去年成为头条新闻,他说如果唐纳德·特朗普总统撤回联邦政府收集大气数据和监测排放物如何影响的努力,加利福尼亚将发射“自己的该死的卫星”。地球的大气层。



       布朗气候政策顾问艾米·巴恩斯(Aimee Barnes)告诉《洛杉矶时报》:“这既是艰巨的任务,也是紧迫的任务。” “我们在布朗政府和以前的政府中设定了许多理想的目标。目标是给北极星一个方向,为我们需要去的方向指明方向。我认为如果有人能做到,那就是加利福尼亚“。


       Governor Gavin Newsom of California and philanthropist and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg have announced a new initiative that will use satellite data to monitor climate change in California.

       The duo, along with Planet, an Earth-imaging company based in San Francisco, made the announcement Wednesday at the third annual Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York. The event was held on the heels of the United Nations Climate Action Summit in the same city earlier this week.

Newsom Trump
President Donald Trump (2R) frowns while taking in the damage from the Woolsey fire alongside California Governor Gavin Newsom (L) and former California Governor Jerry Brown (R) in Malibu on November 17, 2018. Newsom announced a plan to launch California's own atmosphere-monitoring satellite with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies this week. The project follows Brown's assertion that California would launch its "own damn satellite" if the Trump administration did not dedicate more resources to monitoring climate change.

       Officially called Satellites for Climate Action, according to a press release from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the project "will bring together governments, philanthropists, environmental groups, and technology companies to use satellite technologies to monitor greenhouse gas emissions and turn satellite data into actionable information."

       The initiative has three principle objectives, according to the press release. First, it will use existing observational data from Planet to survey coal-fired plant operations in California. Second, it will work on innovative satellite technologies with expanded capacities to detect gases such as carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. Third, it will develop new ways to analyze the planet that will assist conservation efforts for coral reefs, forests "and other critical natural resources."

       "California is a force for change when it comes to adopting new technologies," Newsom said. "Working with Planet and Bloomberg Philanthropies, we will continue advancing the cause of climate leadership by leveraging satellite data and analyses to enforce our bold climate policies."

       Newsom's predecessor, former Gov. Jerry Brown, also a Democrat, made headlines last year when he said that California would launch its "own damn satellite" if President Donald Trump rolled back the federal government's efforts to collect atmospheric data and monitor how emissions were affecting Earth's atmosphere.

       Under both Brown and Newsom's leadership, California has not hesitated to disagree with the president. Just last week, Trump said he would revoke California's ability to pass its own vehicle admissions standards. The state quickly filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.

       Satellites for Climate Action will presumably assist the state in reaching its goals of drastically reducing its total emissions and carbon footprint in the coming decades. During Brown's tenure as governor, the state made ambitious goals of cutting emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and generating all of its retail electricity from renewable sources by 2045, according to the Los Angeles Times.

       "It's both Herculean and an imminently doable task," Aimee Barnes, Brown's policy adviser on climate, told the LA Times. "We set a lot of aspirational goals in the Brown administration and prior administrations. The point of a goal is to give a North Star, to give some direction to where we need to be headed. I think if anyone can do it, it's California."






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