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2019-09-30 19:02   美国新闻网   - 


       福克斯新闻主持人马克·莱文(Mark Levin)与福克斯新任首席国家通讯员埃德·亨利(Ed Henry)进行了热烈的交流,此前,这位记者就唐纳德·特朗普总统对乌克兰采取的行动日益严重的丑闻提出了合理的疑问。




       莱文认为,关于拜登的指控是由“纽约时报” 提出的。但是,几年前首次报道拜登及其儿子在乌克兰工作的新闻记者公开指出,右翼媒体完全是在没有背景的情况下转载他的报道。右翼特朗普的支持者认为,拜登为迫使乌克兰解雇前检察官所做的努力是保护其儿子商业利益的一种方式。


       但是,西方国家领导人和国际货币基金组织(IMF)广泛支持罢免检察官的愿望,因为他为解决东欧国家的腐败问题做出了不懈的努力。实际上,检察官维克托·肖金(Viktor Shokin)曾对英国对拜登儿子参与的公司的调查进行过调查。如果有的话,Shokin的解雇使拜登儿子的商业利益面临问题的可能性增加了,而不是减少了。






       Fox News host Mark Levin got into a heated exchange with Fox New chief national correspondent Ed Henry after the journalist raised valid questions about the growing scandal involving President Donald Trump's actions towards Ukraine.

       The back-and-forth took place during Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Sunday, as Henry attempted to get Levin, who hosts Life, Liberty & Levin, to provide reasons for his perspective that Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine.

       Levin appeared frustrated that Henry would even ask about the Trump scandal, arguing that journalists should focus their reporting on unsubstantiated accusations promoted by Trump and his supporters that former Vice President Joe Biden covered up corrupt activity in Ukraine to benefit his son, Hunter Biden.

       "If you guys in the media would do your damn job and ask Joe Biden and Hunter Biden what the hell's going on, maybe the president wouldn't have to raise the issue," Levin said with apparent anger. "Why is the president having to raise the issue?"

       Levin argued that the accusation surrounding Biden had been raised by The New York Times. However, the journalist who first reported on Biden and his son's work in Ukraine several years ago, has publicly pointed out that right-wing media has spun his reporting entirely out of context. Right-wing Trump supporters argue that Biden's effort to pressure Ukraine to fire a former prosecutor was a way to protect his son's business interests.

Trump and Zelensky
President Donald Trump offers a hand shake to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting in New York on September 25 on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly

       But the desire for the prosecutor to be removed was widely supported by western leaders and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), due to his lax efforts to tackle corruption in the Eastern European nation. In fact, the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had stonewalled a British investigation into the company Biden's son was involved with. If anything, Shokin's firing made it more – not less – likely that Biden's son's business interests would face problems.

       Despite that, Trump and his supporters have continued to push the conspiracy theory. The president also pressured Ukrainian officials to open an investigation into the Bidens, leading a whistleblower, reportedly from the CIA, to file an official complaint. Part of that complaint centered around a July 25 phone call in which the president asked Ukraine's president to do him a "favor," and open the probe.

       Meanwhile, Trump had temporarily withheld $391 million in military aid to Ukraine. Those funds were widely supported by Republican and Democratic lawmakers, as well as the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. Ukraine is involved in an ongoing civil war against Russian-backed separatist rebels, and the military support is seen by Republicans and Democrats as vital to counter Russia's geopolitical influence. Critics of the president have argued that he was holding back the aid as leverage to get Ukraine to investigate his political opponent, Biden. Ukrainian officials have also said they were under the impression that Trump's support for their government could hinge on whether or not they pursued the probe.

Trump phone call with Zelensky
In this photo illustration, a copy of the unclassified memorandum of President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky from July 25 is shown on September 27 in Washington, D.C.

       The revelations led Democrats to launch an official impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives this past week, which Trump has dismissed as "partisan" and a "witch hunt." However, several prominent Republicans criticized the president's actions, with some voicing support for the Democratic-led investigation.






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