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2019-10-02 17:13   美国新闻网   - 




       美国地方法院法官罗素·霍兰德(H. Russel Holland)裁定,该法律赋予有权休假的员工每年12个工作周的假期,而不是该州所说的12个日历周。







       圣安东尼奥市居民目前正在辩论是否有可能采用全市带薪病假法,该法将在10月3日由市议会投票表决。根据修订后的规定,从12月1日开始,所有雇主,无论雇员人数多少,都必须每年提供至少56个小时的带薪病假。该规定适用于所有雇员:全职,兼职,永久和临时,根据San Antonio Express-News报道。

       大都市卫生区临时主管詹妮弗·赫里奥特(Jennifer Herriott)说:“有许多城市充分发挥作用,全面实施病假政策。”该市负责实施已改名为“安全和病假”的条例。一个由企业主组成的联盟已提起诉讼。

       从全国范围来看,参议院,同时,被分成 9月25日就是否采取谁下的家庭与医疗休假法案休假应在自己的休息时间来支付联邦政府工作人员47至48。

       The state of Alaska is planning on appealing a federal court decision that says they cannot count unscheduled weeks for rotational workers against their accumulated leave time according to federal law, according to KTUU.

       The U.S. Labor Department alleged in 2017 that the state miscalculated leave for ferry workers on rotational leave starting in 2014. That leave is entitled to the workers under the Family and Medical Leave Act, says the Labor Department. The state replied by disputing the Labor Department's interpretation of the law.

       U.S. District Court Judge H. Russel Holland ruled that the law entitles employees who are eligible to 12 work-weeks of leave each year, not 12 calendar-weeks as argued by the state.

       An agreement reached in July bars the state from counting any week a worker isn't scheduled to work against leave time, pending the upcoming appeal and any further court action.

       No statistics listing how many Alaskans are employed in rotational jobs could be found at press time. Rotational job work includes oil field workers, welders, utility systems specialists, and, naturally, ferry workers.

       Only 6.3 percent of Alaskans are unemployed.

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Alaska is planning on appealing a federal decision that states they cannot deduct unscheduled weeks for workers against their leave time.

       In other states, worker leave laws have been becoming a surprisingly intensely fielded battleground. In Massachusetts a recently-passed a new paid family and medical leave law will go into effect in 2021, which will affect every employer and and benefit every worker in the state—coming at a 0.75 percent payroll tax.

       Amazon workers in Sacramento, meanwhile, are fighting for more leave time, requesting more than the ten days a year they're allowed off for any reason.

       San Antonio residents are currently debating the possibility of taking on a citywide paid sick leave law, which will be up for voting by the City Council on October 3rd. As revised, all employers, no matter how few employees they have, would be required to provide at least 56 hours of paid sick leave annually beginning December 1. It applies to all employees: full-time, part-time, permanent and temporary, according to San Antonio Express-News.

       "There are lots of cities who have fully functioning, fully implemented sick leave policies," said Jennifer Herriott, interim director of the Metropolitan Health District, which is charged with implementing the ordinance that has been renamed "safe and sick leave." A coalition of business owners have filed a suit against the law.

       Nationwide, the Senate, meanwhile, was split 47 to 48 on September 25 on whether or not federal workers who take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act should be paid during their time off.






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