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2019-10-03 13:43   美国新闻网   - 


       保守党电台主持人拉什·林博(Rush Limbaugh)周三下午抨击福克斯新闻(Fox News),该网络涉嫌在最近宣布的弹劾调查中无法捍卫唐纳德·特朗普总统。

       在今天早些时候的“拉什·林博秀 ”节目的一部分中,该节目的主持人反对众议院情报委员会主席亚当·希夫(Adam Schiff)的言论,他此前曾就特朗普与乌克兰的电话打过电话。


       希夫在上周四的一次听证会上向特朗普总统乌克兰总统沃伦迪米尔·泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)提供了特朗普7月份电话的修饰语后,遭到了共和党的强烈反对。希夫在声明中声称,特朗普的呼吁“读起来就像是一场刑事动摇”,并说总统要求他的外国同行“对他的政治对手进行污秽”。在对共和党提出批评之后,希夫后来澄清说,他的总结“至少应该是在模仿中”。

       “当共和党人最终打电话给他时,席夫说:'好吧,我只是在进行模仿。'”林博继续说。“你有蜗牛的幽默感。没有人认为你很有趣。反正不是模仿……这是在故意歪曲和错误描述美国总统的言行。 ”


档案照片:广播脱口秀主持人和保守派评论员拉什·林博(Rush Limbaugh)是2010年美国小姐选美大赛的评委之一,在2010年1月27日在内华达州拉斯维加斯的好莱坞星球度假村和赌场的新闻发布会上发表讲话。林博周三谴责福克斯新闻社最近对特朗普的不利报道。





       特朗普与泽伦斯基的争议电话是弹each调查的核心。一个举报人正式指控美国总统在寻求政治上的前副总统拜登(Joe Biden)寻求外国援助后,向公众强调了这一点。




       Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh slammed Fox News on Wednesday afternoon over the network's alleged inability to defend President Donald Trump amid the recently-announced impeachment inquiry.

       During a segment on The Rush Limbaugh Show earlier today, the show's host railed against House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff remarks he has previously made about Trump's phone call with Ukraine.

       "The [House] Intelligence committee [is] openly lying about the president's phone call with the president of Ukraine. [Schiff] lied about it again today in his joint press conference with Pelosi," Limbaugh said, claiming that the Democrat "literally said that the president told the Ukrainian president to create dirt, to make it up, as much as you can."

       Schiff faced backlash from Republicans after he offered an embellished account of Trump's July phone call with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky at a hearing last Thursday. During his statement, Schiff claimed that Trump's call "reads like a criminal shakedown" and said that the president asked his foreign counterpart to "make up dirt on [his] political opponent." After GOP criticism, Schiff later clarified that his summary "was meant to be, at least part, in parody."

       "When the Republicans finally called him on it, Schiff said, 'Well, I was just engaging in parody,'" Limbaugh continued. "You have the sense of humor of a snail. Nobody thinks anything about you is funny. It wasn't parody anyway... it was an attempt to purposefully misstate and mischaracterize the words and the actions of the President of the United States."

       "They're trying to create the illusion that Trump is a mob boss and he was ordering somebody to make up dirt or else we're not going to give you money," he added.

Rush Limbaugh
File photo: Radio talk show host and conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh, one of the judges for the 2010 Miss America Pageant, speaks during a news conference for judges at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino January 27, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Limbaugh on Wednesday condemned Fox News for their recent unfavorable coverage of Trump.

       The conservative host, now shouting, then turned his attention to Fox News, who he claims have been covering Trump unfavorably since the impeachment inquiry was announced.

       "We've even got never-Trumpers now, all over Fox News," he said, before then mocking the network for finding the president's call with Zelensky "hard to defend." "There's nothing hard to defend about the phone call, you just don't want to defend it," Limbaugh asserted.

       He went on to suggest Fox should change the name of their network from "the Fox News Channel to the Fox Never-Trumper Network."

       "If Trump is hard to defend, what about conservatism you never-Trumpers? Can you defend that? Do you not understand that conservatism is under assault?," Limbaugh added. "You may not be because you're renouncing conservatism by siding off with these guys that you don't want to be criticized by. You'd rather be friends with these nincompoops on the left than have to defend your own side and defend your own beliefs."

       Trump's controversial call with Zelensky is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry. It was highlighted to the public after a whistleblower filed a formal complaint alleging that the U.S. president attempted to solicit foreign assistance in probing his political rival former Vice President Joe Biden.

       A partial transcript of their conversation, released by the White House last week, proved that the president did ask Ukraine for assistance in investigating Biden and that he offered his own administration's Attorney General to help in the probe.

       Trump has repeatedly asserted that he has not committed any wrongdoing.






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