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2019-10-04 11:26   美国新闻网   - 



       前代表乔·沃尔什(Joe Walsh)从2011年至2013年代表伊利诺伊州第八届国会选区,在将其寄给国会共和党人后,在其竞选网站上发布了这封信。


       沃尔什在信中写道:“特朗普总统告诉一位外国领导人,要挖出他的政治对手。” “这对任何国会议员-共和党,民主党或独立党都是不能接受的。”


       他写道:“请,我的朋友们,为这次弹劾调查大声疾呼。” “大声疾呼,以支持深入讨论。加入民主党,因为这是正确的事。毫无疑问,特朗普总统要求乌克兰对乔·拜登进行调查。作为国会议员,你必须谴责那。”


乔·沃尔什(Joe Walsh)筹集特朗普骗子
时任美国众议员Joe Walsh(R-IL)(R)在新闻发布会上宣布众议员Scott Rigell(R-VA)(R-VA)讲话时宣布将于2012年5月16日成立“ Fix Congress Now Caucus”华盛顿特区的国会山。沃尔什(Walsh)是2020年的共和党人,希望取代唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)为该党的提名人,他于周四致信众议院共和党人,敦促他们弹each总统。

       沃尔什(Walsh)正式宣布,他将在8月25日竞选特朗普参加2020年共和党总统候选人提名。“我们再也不能忍受唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)四年了,”他当天发推文说:“这就是我竞选总统的原因。 ”


       尽管他反对特朗普,但沃尔什仍然认为自己是保守派,并在一些问题上保持保守观点。他于2010年当选为极右翼茶党运动的议员。根据《商业内幕》(Business Insider)发表的沃尔什(Walsh)分析,他说他相信一男一女之间的“传统”婚姻。此外,他是亲以色列的人,也是《第二修正案》的坚决拥护者,甚至自称为“大枪手”。

       然而,他也表达了可能被认为与其他一些保守派不合时宜的观点。例如,在4月,沃尔什(Walsh)反对特朗普提议的禁止在美军中服役的变性人的提议。他在4月12日发布的推文中说: “符合军方严格标准的任何人-同性恋,异性恋或跨性别者-都应免费服役。”




       A former Republican congressman seeking his party's presidential nomination in 2020 sent a letter to Republicans in the House of Representatives on Thursday, urging them to "put country over party" and push for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

       Former Representative Joe Walsh, who represented the 8th Congressional District of Illinois from 2011 to 2013, published the letter on his campaign website after sending it to congressional Republicans.

       In the letter, Walsh encouraged Republicans in the House to support the impeachment proceedings begun by Nancy Pelosi last month following a whistleblower complaint alleging the president had asked the leader of Ukraine to investigate Trump's political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

       "President Trump told a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent," Walsh wrote in the letter. "This can't be acceptable to any Member of Congress—Republican, Democrat, or Independent."

       Those in favor of impeachment claim the president's request of the Ukrainian president amounted to asking a foreign country to meddle in American elections, Walsh wrote. He said he believed his fellow Republicans could not condone this behavior in good conscience.

       "Please, my friends, speak out in support of this impeachment inquiry," he wrote. "Speak out in support of getting to the bottom of this. Join the Democrats on this one—because it's the right thing to do. There is no disputing that President Trump asked Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. As Members of Congress, you must condemn that."

       He concluded his letter by asking the recipients to uphold their oaths and prioritize being faithful Americans over being faithful Republicans.

Joe Walsh fundraising Trump sharpie
Then-U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) (R) speaks as Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA) (L) listens during a news conference announcing the formation of the 'Fix Congress Now Caucus' May 16, 2012 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Walsh, a 2020 Republican hopeful to replace President Donald Trump as the party's nominee, sent a letter to House Republicans on Thursday pushing them to impeach the president.

       Walsh officially announced that he would be running against Trump for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination on August 25. "We can't take four more years of Donald Trump," he tweeted that day, "And that's why I'm running for President."

       In his announcement, he went on to write, "It won't be easy, but bravery is never easy. But together, we can do it."

       His opposition to Trump notwithstanding, Walsh identifies as conservative and maintains conservative viewpoints on several issues. He was elected to Congress in 2010 as an affiliate of the far-right Tea Party movement. According to an analysis of Walsh published by Business Insider, he has said that he believes in "traditional" marriage between one man and one woman. Further, he is pro-Israel and a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, going as far as to call himself a "big gun guy."

       Yet he has also expressed opinions that could be considered out-of-step with those of some other conservatives. For example in April, Walsh came out in opposition to Trump's proposed ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military. "Anyone - gay, straight, or transgender - who meets the military's tough standards should be free to serve," he tweeted on April 12.

       He has also said that he believes human activity has affected climate change and criticized other Republicans for what he sees as their lack of definitive action on the climate crisis, according to Business Insider.

       Walsh faces an uphill battle in contesting Trump's expected 2020 Republican nomination. Even amid the controversy about the conversation with the Ukrainian president and calls for impeachment, recent polls have measured the president's current approval rating at its highest point this year.






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