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2019-10-05 14:25   美国新闻网   - 


       据《卫报》报道,周五,众议院民主党人正式要求副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)提交与乌克兰调查特朗普总统行为有关的文件。


       众议院外交事务常务委员会,众议院常设情报委员会发表的一封信中写道:“最近,公开报道对您在传达或加强总统给乌克兰总统的鲜明信息中可能发挥的作用提出了疑问。” 以及内务监督改革委员会,这些机构向VP Pence索要文件。




       在举报人报告的一部分中,总统在7月25日的电话录音笔录中要求总统Zelensky表示“帮忙”,并要求他与总检察长William P. Barr合作,以获取有关乔·拜登及其儿子亨特的妥协信息。特别是,特朗普对亨特与乌克兰天然气公司Burisma的业务往来很感兴趣,而乔·拜登(Joe Biden)是副总裁。


       特朗普指责乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在对被杀害的Burisma进行调查时使用了不当影响。电话会议召开前两周,特朗普总统暂停了对乌克兰的军事安全援助,据称在彭斯关于泽伦斯基的积极报道和施加国会压力后,该援助最终被冻结。

       据《华盛顿邮报》报道,据称,彭斯的一位顶级顾问接听了电话,尽管同一篇文章中引用的消息人士不同意彭斯副总统是在9月1日华沙之前亲自听过电话还是看过有关该电话的简报。 ,波兰会见Zelensky。





       On Friday, House Democrats formally requested documents relating to the Ukrainian investigation into President Trump's conduct from Vice President Mike Pence, according to The Guardian.

       The request was made by three house committees which wish to see the documents by October 21. A specific request was made for anything relating to President Trump's now-infamous July 25 phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

       "Recently, public reports have raised questions about any role you may have played in conveying or reinforcing the President's stark message to the Ukrainian president," reads in part a letter released by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Committee on Oversight Reform, the bodies that requested the documents from VP Pence.

       "Pursuant to the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry, we are hereby requesting that you produce the documents set forth in the accompanying schedule by October 15, 2019," they added.

       The letter is signed by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel and House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings.

       Vice President Pence has been embroiled in an impeachment scandal that began in September, with the release of a whistleblower report alleging that President Trump tried to solicit damaging information from the Ukraine about his political rivals.

       In a transcript of the July 25 phone call that's part of the whistleblower's report, the President asked Zelensky for "a favor" and requested he collaborate with Attorney General William P. Barr to acquire compromising information about Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. In particular, Trump was interested in Hunter's business dealings with a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, while Joe Biden was vice president.

ABINGDON, VA - OCTOBER 14: U.S. Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a campaign rally for gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie, R-VA, at the Washington County Fairgrounds on October 14, 2017 in Abingdon, Virginia. Vice President Pence has come under fire as the House's investigation into President Trump's dealings with Ukrainian President Zelensky and three Democrat-run House committees have now requested he turn over any documents he has relating to President Trump's call with the President of the Ukraine to them.

       Trump accused Joe Biden of using undue influence in having an investigation into Burisma killed. Two weeks before the call, President Trump had military security assistance to Ukraine suspended, which was allegedly eventually unfrozen after positive reports from Pence about Zelensky and applied congressional pressure.

       One of Pence's top advisers allegedly listened in on the call, according to The Washington Post, though sources quoted in the same article disagree about whether or not Vice President Pence had listened to the call himself or read a briefing about it before his September 1 Warsaw, Poland meeting with Zelensky.

       Months later, according to the Washington Post, Trump told Pence to tell Zelensky that U.S. aid was being withheld from the Ukraine while requesting more aggressive action on corruption. Sources in the article deny that Vice President Pence possessed any knowledge that he was passing coded information between the two Presidents.

       The Associated Press reports that President Trump instructed Pence to cancel his plans to attend the inauguration of Zelensky after initially urging him to go. Aides to Pence dispute this assertion made by the Associated Press' sources, saying Biden never came up when Zelensky and Pence conversed. They also said that the cancellation was a logistics issue, and additionally that he knew nothing about President Trump's alleged interest in pressuring Zelensky for information on the Bidens.

       An impeachment investigation is ongoing in the House.






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