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2019-11-02 12:28   美国新闻网   - 




Trump and Farage








科尔宾写道:“唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)正试图干涉英国的选举,让他的朋友鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)当选。









Britain's main opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has accused Donald Trump of trying to interfere in the upcoming U.K. election after the president criticized him in a phone-in program and showed support for both Boris Johnson as prime minister and the radio show's host Nigel Farage.

Corbyn, who leads the Labour party, was reacting to the interview that Trump gave the LBC radio station on Thursday night, in a program hosted by leader of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, who has close links with the president and has spoken at his rallies.

Trump said: "I would like to see you and Boris get together because you would really have some numbers, because you did fantastically in the election, the last election.

Trump and Farage

Donald Trump, right, pictured with Brexit architect Nigel Farage to speak during a campaign rally at the Mississippi Coliseum on August 24, 2016 in Jackson, Mississippi. Trump called in to Farage’s London radio show.

"He has a lot of respect and like for you. I just wish you two guys could get together—I think it would be a great thing."

"When you are the president of the United States you have great relationships with many of the leaders, including Boris, he's a fantastic man, and I think he's the exact right guy for the times.

"And I know that you and him will end up doing something that could be terrific if you and he get together as, you know, an unstoppable force."

Farage launched his Brexit party election campaign on Friday, ahead of the ballot on December 12 and called on Johnson to ditch his Brexit deal and "build a Leave alliance," the BBC reported.

Trump took a swipe at the Labour leader, saying, "Corbyn would be so bad for your country, he'd be so bad, he'd take you on such a bad way. He'd take you into such bad places."

But Corbyn tweeted on Thursday his concern at such comments being made about the election by a foreign leader. In the past, British and American leaders would refrain from making political statements about other countries' election candidates.

Corbyn wrote: "Donald Trump is trying to interfere in Britain's election to get his friend Boris Johnson elected.

"It was Trump who said in June the NHS is 'on the table,' Corbyn said, referring to the president's comments on his U.K. visit in June about the British health care system which is free at the point of use and which has been used as a political football in public discourse over universal health care for Americans.

Corbyn also said that Trump "knows if Labour wins, U.S. corporations won't get their hands on it." He added: "Our NHS is not for sale."

Trump has denied that he has his eye on the NHS, telling Farage: "I don't even know where [it] started with respect to us taking over your health care system. I mean it's so ridiculous. I think Corbyn put that out there, but to even think, it was never even mentioned," he said.

While Trump lavished praise on Johnson, he was critical of the Brexit deal that the prime minister got from the European Union, which the president said would make it harder for the U.S. to trade with the U.K.

Trump said: "To be honest with you... this deal... under certain aspects of the deal... you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't trade.

"We can't make a trade deal with the U.K. because I think we can do many times the numbers that we're doing right now and certainly much bigger numbers than you are doing under the European Union," Trump said.

Trump's comments on post-Brexit trade were dismissed by the British government, which said in a statement that it "ensures that we take back control of our laws, trade, borders and money," according to the BBC.







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