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2019-11-13 19:23   美国新闻网   - 


       据蒙茅斯大学民意测验研究所(MUPH)称,迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)在新的爱荷华州民意调查中排名最低。在对他们对彭博社的看法进行投票的361人中,只有一位选民将他列为首选,而只有百分之一的被访者说他将是他们的第二选择。

       MUPH的负责人帕特里克•默里说:“据报道,彭博社如果确实参加了比赛,将跳过二月份的比赛。” “有了这样令人沮丧的数字,很容易理解为什么。但是我真的无法想象超级星期二州的民主党人将比爱荷华州的选民更能接受他。”




迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)于2019年10月29日在纽约市The Shed举行的2019常识奖上发表演讲。

       彭博顾问霍华德•沃尔夫森(Howard Wolfson)在一份声明中说: “迈克越来越担心当前的候选人领域定位不佳”,以在即将举行的选举中击败唐纳德·J·特朗普总统。



       特朗普于11月8日对记者说: “小迈克尔会失败,我可以告诉你,我比小迈克尔更愿意与之对抗。”

       徘徊在民意调查底部的是朱利安·卡斯特罗(Julian Castro)和史蒂夫·布洛克(Steve Bullock),占1%;塔尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)和科里·布克(Cory Booker),占2%;汤姆·斯泰尔(Tom Steyer),安德鲁·杨(Andrew Yang)和卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris),占3%。

       皮特·布蒂吉格(Pete Buttigieg)以73%的总体好感度位居榜首。爱荷华州选民说,他们倾向于将Buttigieg的投票率提高了22%。前副总统乔·拜登以19%的票数位居第二。伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)和伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)以18%和13%的收视率排在前四名。

       穆雷说:“巴蒂吉格正在成为爱荷华州各民主党派的首选。” “尽管他在年长的核心会议上名义上取得了更大的收益,但你确实无法对一个特定的群体表示支持。无论教育程度或意识形态如何,他在选民中的表现都很好。”


       Michael Bloomberg ranked near the bottom of a new Iowa poll voters poll, according to the Monmouth University Polling Institute [MUPH]. Out of 361 people polled about their opinion on Bloomberg, just one voter named him as their top pick while only one percent of those polled said he would be their second choice.

       "Reports suggest that Bloomberg will skip the February contests if he does get into the race," said Patrick Murray, director of the MUPH. "With dismal numbers like these, it's easy to see why. But I really cannot imagine that Democrats in the Super Tuesday states would be significantly more receptive to him than Iowa voters."

       Only 17 percent of Iowa voters polled had a favorable impression of Bloomberg while 48 percent of those polled rated him as unfavorable. Less than one percent said they were leaning toward voting for Bloomberg, ranking him with candidates Marianne Williamson, John Delaney, and Michael Bennet.

       The only candidate with a lower favorability rating is former Pennsylvania Congressman and three-star admiral Joe Sestak, who carries a zero percent rating among those polled.

       Bloomberg, a billionaire who served three terms as the mayor of New York City, has yet to officially declare his candidacy for the presidential race. He had previously considered running as an independent in 2008 and 2016.

michael bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg speaks onstage at the 2019 Common Sense Awards at The Shed on October 29, 2019 in New York City.

       Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson said in a statement, "Mike is increasingly concerned that the current field of candidates is not well positioned" to defeat President Donald J. Trump in the upcoming election.

       "Based on his record of accomplishment, leadership and his ability to bring people together to drive change," Wolfson added, "Mike would be able to take the fight to Trump and win."

       President Trump seemed to disagree with Wolfson's assessment, welcoming a challenge from Bloomberg.

       "Little Michael will fail," Trump told reporters November 8. "There is nobody I would rather run against than little Michael, that I can tell you."

       Hovering near the bottom of the poll were Julian Castro and Steve Bullock at one percent, Tulsi Gabbard and Cory Booker at two percent and Tom Steyer, Andrew Yang and Kamala Harris at three percent.

       Pete Buttigieg led the poll with a favorability rating of 73 percent overall. Iowa voters said they leaned towards voting for Buttigieg by 22 percent. Former Vice President Joe Biden came in second with 19 percent. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders rounded out the top four with ratings of 18 percent and 13 percent respectively.

       "Buttigieg is emerging as a top pick for a wide variety of Iowa Democrats," said Murray. "While he has made nominally bigger gains among older caucusgoers, you really can't pigeonhole his support to one particular group. He is doing well with voters regardless of education or ideology."






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