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2019-11-14 18:01   美国新闻网   - 



       拜尔和华莱士在休会期间分享了他们的分析,众议院调查人员在周三进行了针对特朗普的弹劾调查的首次公开听证会,围绕他对乌克兰及其领导人的行动展开。在听证会上,泰勒与国务院负责欧洲和欧亚事务的副部长助理乔治·肯特(George Kent)一起回答了问题。

       拜尔断言:“显然,泰勒是一个非常有说服力的见证人,部分原因是他在所有这些对话,所有这些互动中都做了如此详尽的记录。” 这位主持人还指出,这位外交官曾在共和党和民主政府的领导下工作,表明他不是游击队的证人。


       华莱士评估说:“我认为这很不政治。” 主持人解释说:“他唯一谈论的是强烈的感觉,支持乌克兰与俄罗斯作战符合美国的国家安全利益。但是他当然没有采取任何党派立场。”


       在匿名政府举报者对总统与乌克兰总统沃洛德米尔·泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)的往来表示担忧之后,众议院对特朗普进行了弹劾调查。此后,来自国务院,国家安全委员会和其他行政部门的多名可靠证人在闭门证词中作证,并佐证了申诉中提出的要求。证词已经证实,特朗普及其私人律师鲁迪·吉利亚尼(Rudy Guiliani)曾努力向乌克兰领导人施加压力,要求对针对民主党总统候选人乔·拜登的无根据的要求展开调查,并对被揭穿的阴谋论进行调查,民主党和乌克兰密谋共同干预2016年总统大选。





       Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Chris Wallace both described the testimony presented by acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor against President Donald Trump as "compelling," with Wallace suggesting it was "very damaging" for the president.

       Baier and Wallace shared their analyses during a recess, as House investigators on Wednesday carried out the first public hearings of the impeachment inquiry against Trump, which centers around his actions toward Ukraine and its leaders. During the hearing, Taylor answered questions alongside the State Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs        George Kent.

       "Obviously, Taylor is a very compelling witness, in part because he took such detailed notes in all of these conversations, all of these interactions," Baier asserted. The anchor also pointed out that the diplomat had worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, demonstrating that he was not a partisan witness.

       Wallace agreed that Taylor's testimony was "compelling." He described the diplomat as "a very impressive witness" and said he "was very damaging to the president."

       "I think very nonpolitical," Wallace assessed. "The only thing he talked about was a strong feeling that it was in the U.S. national security interests to support Ukraine in the fight against Russia. But he certainly wasn't taking any partisan position," the anchor explained.

George Kent and Bill Taylor
Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine Bill Taylor (r) and Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent (l) are sworn in to testify before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on November 13 in Washington, D.C.

       The House launched its impeachment inquiry against Trump after an anonymous government whistleblower raised concerns about the president's dealings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Multiple credible witnesses from the State Department, the National Security Council and other administration posts have since testified in closed-door depositions and corroborated the claims laid out in the complaint. The testimony has confirmed that Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Guiliani worked to pressure Ukrainian leaders to open investigations into unsubstantiated claims against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, as well as into a debunked conspiracy theory that Democrats and Ukrainian conspired together to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

       Furthermore, multiple witnesses have testified that the White House unilaterally decided to temporarily withhold nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine that had already been approved by Congress as it sought to motivate Ukrainian officials to publicly launch the desired investigations against the president's domestic political rivals. That assistance was approved with significant bipartisan support, as both Democrats and Republicans see Ukraine as a key ally in the region. The Eastern European nation has been involved in a civil war against Russian-backed separatist rebels since 2014. Russia has also controversially annexed the Ukrainain-claimed Crimean peninsula.

       During his public testimony Wednesday, Taylor revealed that he learned on Friday of a conversation between one of his staffers and the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. The staffer told Taylor that he overheard Sondland speaking directly to Trump on the phone, and Trump asked about the investigations. Taylor's staffer asked Sondland about Trump's perspective on Ukraine following the call.

       "Ambassador Sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which Giuliani was pressing for," the diplomat said.






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