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2020-03-01 17:30  美联社   - 



Trump Calls on Federal Reserve to Cut Interest Rate to Deal with Coronavirus
_ Figure 1-1 Associated Press

      On Saturday, President Trump accused the Federal Reserve of not taking action to deal with the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus. He believed that the Federal Reserve was unwilling to lower interest rates at a time when people were worried about the coronavirus and its potential impact on the US economy.
      "Our Federal Reserve should start to become a leader," Trump said at a White House press conference on Saturday, surrounded by health officials and Vice President Mike Pence. "We should have the lowest interest rate, but in fact we don't have the lowest interest rate, our federal interest rate is higher. Look at Germany, look at Japan, look at other countries: they all have negative interest rates, we don't have negative interest rates because our Federal Reserve is unwilling to do so. "
      "Now we have this problem," he said, referring to coronavirus. "You can see that Germany is lowering interest rates and injecting a lot of money into the economy. I didn't hear the Fed say they should do it. "
      Trump often accuses the US economy of being weakened by excessive restrictive interest rates imposed by the Federal Reserve.
      The Federal Reserve uses its benchmark overnight lending rate and other monetary policy tools to control inflation while promoting full employment. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said on Friday that the Federal Reserve was monitoring the risks posed by coronavirus to the US economy and pledged to take action if necessary.
      Powell said: "The fundamentals of the US economy are still strong. "However, coronavirus poses an evolving risk to economic activities. The Federal Reserve is paying close attention to developments and their impact on economic prospects. We will use our tools and take appropriate actions to support the economy. "
      The week before the presidential index rekindled the market's disappointment with the Federal Reserve, the US stock market had its worst week since the financial crisis, with the index falling 12.36% and 11.49% respectively in the past five trading days. This week, both major stock indexes fell to what Wall Street called a correction, down 10% or more from the recent 52-week high.
      But Powell's statement did not meet some investors' expectations of the Federal Reserve. Many Wall Street economists now predict that the Federal Reserve will need to cut interest rates several times this year to cope with the upcoming economic slowdown. Powell's language in Friday's statement was almost the same as that of the previous Federal Reserve statement, even before the coronavirus crisis.
      Although Trump has proposed additional remedial measures, it may not be necessary at this time. Refinancing U.S. debt will be an unprecedented move, and some economists worry that it may bring unexpected consequences to U.S. finances.


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