美国中文网综合报道 周六,两名与华盛顿州柯克兰生命护理中心有关的老人死于冠状病毒。美国全国死亡人数上升至19人。
位于华盛顿州柯克兰(Kirkland)的生命护理中心(Life Care Center)周六表示,70名员工表现出新型冠状病毒的症状。
该机构发言人蒂姆•基利安(Tim Killian)在周六的简报会上说,已要求表现出症状的员工不要再上班。
NEW PNEUMONIA DEATHS RISE TO 19 in Washington State Sanitarium

NEW PNEUMONIA DEATHS RISE TO 19 in Washington State Sanitarium

Kirkland Life Care
A Chinese language web site comprehensive report, Saturday, two elderly people associated with the Kirkland Life Care Center in Washington state died of coronavirus.The national death toll in the United States has risen to 19.
Fourteen of those deaths were linked to Kirkland. Earlier this week, three other Washington state residents died of the disease.
Two Florida residents died Friday night. Seventy employees at the Life Care Center in Kirkland, wash. , showed symptoms of 2019-ncov, the Center said Saturday.
'EMPLOYEES who are showing symptoms have been asked not to return to work, ' agency spokesman Tim Saint Kilian said at a Saturday briefing.
As of February 19, the facility had 180 employees. Another 120 residents, 54 of whom were later transferred to separate hospitals for treatment.
Saint Kilian added that all residents were currently confined to their rooms.
According to Saint Kilian, the facility received 45 coronavirus test results at Thursday, which are still under review.