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美国召见中国驻美大使 就有关新冠病毒言论表示抗议

2020-03-14 16:55   美国新闻网   - 


此前,中国外交部发言人赵立坚曾发推文称,“美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德(Robert Redfield)周三在众议院监督委员会承认,一些似乎死于流感的美国人在死后的诊断中被检测出新型冠状病毒呈阳性”,“美国疾控中心主任被抓了个现行。零号病人是什么时候在美国出现的?有多少人被感染?医院的名字是什么?可能是美军把疫情带到了武汉。美国要透明!要公开数据!美国欠我们一个解释!”。

The United States has summoned the Chinese ambassador to the United States to protest against the new coronavirus

Friday, the US State Department, summoned the Chinese Ambassador to the US to protest against comments by a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman that the US military might have brought the new coronavirus to Wuhan.

"He was summoned because of comments made by a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman about the new coronavirus, " said a State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, according to Reuters.

Asked about the comments at a regular news briefing on Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said, china has noted that there have been some discussions in recent days about the source of the new coronavirus, through which some senior US government officials and members of Congress have made irresponsible and untrue statements, smeared China and attacked it. China firmly opposes this.

Geng said the international community has different views on the source of the virus. The Chinese side always believes that this is a scientific issue and we need to listen to scientific and professional opinions. Earlier, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, tweeted that, "Redfield Robert, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , admitted to the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday that some Americans who appear to have died of flu have tested positive for 2019-ncov in posthumous diagnoses. "

"CDC director caught red-handed. When did patient zero first appear in the United States? How many people have been infected? What's the name of the hospital? It's possible the U.S. military brought the outbreak to Wuhan. TRANSPARENCY IN AMERICA! WE HAVE TO RELEASE THE DATA! America owes US an explanation.


上一篇:众议院通过应对新冠病毒法案 以确保带薪休假及免费病毒检测




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