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ANTHONY FAUCI博士说,他希望在社交聚会上与冠状病毒抗争的“剧烈”减少个人互动

2020-03-16 15:57   美国新闻网   - 

美国国家变态反应与传染病研究所所长安东尼·福西(Anthony Fauci)博士周日上午进行巡回演出,回答新闻主播关于美国新型冠状病毒持续爆发的问题。


但是,在与《福克斯新闻周日》主持人克里斯·华莱士(Chris Wallace)讲话时,福西还向华莱士要求向可能不了解的人解释,说明COVID-19与流感或另一种病毒不同的三个原因。

Fauci说:“有一件事,它是全新的,因此我们对它将要做什么,将要发生什么变化没有任何经验。” “第二,它很容易传播,这是毫无疑问的。这不像我们爆发的某些疾病那样,不能适应人类之间的传播。第三,它在意义上是非常严重的。发病率/死亡率,特别是在老年人和有潜在疾病的人群中,尤其是在那些人群中。”

会见记者,福西也提醒年轻的美国人大约在国家不顾保健官员和政府机构的建议,关于社会距离联邦和地方各级时节目主持人查克·托德指出报道来自法国的300例患者病情危重的一半年龄不到60岁- 《纽约时报》周日报道了这一统计数据






“生命何时才能恢复正常,这种生命能持续多久?” —美国广播公司新闻白宫首席记者乔纳森·卡尔在本周。




努力还包括:随着世界上该地区病例数的增加,禁止从28个欧洲国家到达美国的外国公民旅行;以及禁止在受病毒打击最严重的州和一些城市。这些禁令以及犹他州爵士中锋鲁迪·戈伯特(Rudy Gobert)COVID-19的积极案例,导致所有主要的职业和大学体育联盟在可预见的未来取消比赛。NCAA是大学田径运动的管理机构,它走得更远,取消了春季运动季的所有冠军,这意味着没有大学世界系列赛的棒球,垒球或全国田径比赛,仅举几例。

“一周前,我们报告了19例死亡,490例被感染。今天,至少有60例死亡,近3,000例被感染,而且您说,正如我们所听到的,该病毒可能还会继续恶化两个月。据估计,美国有成千上万的人可能死亡,或者在最坏的情况下,有数百万人死亡。您能告诉美国人这是可能的吗?” — 美国国宾主持人Brianna Keilar。

“您知道这是有可能的,因为当您建立模型时,您会遇到最坏的情况,而最坏的情况和现实情况是您对此的反应方式将取决于您在曲线上的位置。因此,显然,我们显然将会有更多的感染,在发病率和死亡率方面将会有更多的问题。现在的挑战是我们如何钝化这一点,我已经说过很多次了,如果您不理会它,而将病毒留给自己设备将在几周内上升,然后自然下降。” Fauci说。“不幸的是,对于我们在意大利,法国,当然还有中国的同事来说,就是这样。”

“就传染性和致死性而言,比流感还糟吗?” —福克斯新闻周日主持人克里斯·华莱士

“嗯,是的。我的意思是,就是这样,我们必须面对这个事实,我们必须现实一点。我们必须意识到,而且我说,在听证会上,事情将会有所发展。更糟糕的是,在它们变得更好之前,但是我们现在正在做的事情有望缓解这种情况。您知道,我显示了那条曲线,那个峰值,但这很重要,因为-认为现在,如果您不这样做,一切都会好起来的不要做任何事情,那绝对是不正确的。我们必须始终处于领先地位,” Fauci说。


“基本上你是想看到全国封锁吗?人们不能去餐馆,酒吧,需要呆在家里吗?” — 国际电联 Kellar


“旅行限制怎么办?我们会看到国内旅行限制吗?我的意思是我们知道我们有热点,华盛顿州,加利福尼亚州和纽约的部分地区。是否应该有旅行限制?” —卡尔, 本周



Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made the morning show rounds on Sunday, answering questions from news anchors about the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus in the United States.

Fauci, who is considered the top expert on infectious diseases in the United States and is a member of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task team, spoke at length during appearances on Fox News Sunday, ABC's This Week, NBC's Meet The Press, and CNN's State Of The Union. In each appearance, he stressed the importance of containing and slowing the number of COVID-19 cases, the official name of the disease caused by the new coronavirus strain.

However, while speaking to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, Fauci also listed three reasons why COVID-19 is different from the flu or another virus when asked by Wallace to explain it to those who might not understand.

"One thing, it's brand new, so we don't have any prior experience about what it's gonna do, what its dynamics are gonna be," Fauci said. "Number two, it spreads very easily, there's no doubt about that. It isn't like some of the outbreaks that we had that just didn't adapt itself to spread among humans. And number three, it's very serious in the sense of morbidity/mortality, particularly among, and very heavily weighted towards, individuals who are more susceptible — the elderly and those with underlying conditions."

On Meet The Press, Fauci also cautioned younger Americans about ignoring recommendations from health care officials and government agencies at the state, federal and local levels regarding social distancing when show host Chuck Todd pointed to reports from France that half of the 300 patients in critical condition are under 60 years old — a statistic reported Sunday by The New York Times.

"Does that tell you that maybe we've made some assumptions [about the virus] that aren't true?," Todd asked Fauci.

"I wouldn't say 'that aren't true,' but the fact is that the data from China and the data from [South] Korea, we've seen a very, very small percentage of people who are younger [being infected]," Fauci replied. "As we start seeing new data of younger people who are getting in trouble, we want to look at that data and also look at the virus to make sure the virus hasn't changed."

Todd then asked if Fauci was worried that younger Americans aren't practicing social distancing "as much" because previous reports indicated that the risk is minimal, and they don't realize they can be carriers to those who are older or with underlying conditions.

"I think they should be practicing social distancing because even if — and I think it's still true that younger people are at much, much less risk of getting into trouble — that doesn't mean they aren't going to get infected and then they are going to infect the older people. So everybody should be taking really good care to avoid infection," Fauci said.

Read below for other answers to questions the doctor was asked while making the Sunday news show rounds:

"When will life get back to normal and how long does this last?' — ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl on This Week.

"You know, it's going to be a matter of several weeks to a few months, for sure. If you look at the dynamics of how outbreak curves go, you just need to take a look at China and take a look at South Korea right now. With China, they went to their peak and they are coming down right now. There were just a day or so ago 11 new cases in China, which is minuscule compared to where it was," Fauci said.

"Korea is starting to flatten and maybe come down a little. If you look at that bracket, all of that was a couple of months, a month and a half, for China and about the same [for South Korea]. Although you can't predict accurately, the way you interfere with that and not only diminish the peak of the curve, but even perhaps the duration, depends on the effectiveness in which you do the kinds of controls that we've been talking about -- the containment and mitigation," Fauci added.

For the U.S., containment and mitigation includes the shuttering of schools in at least 19 states and Washington D.C. to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Even West Virginia, the only U.S. state without a confirmed case of the virus, announced statewide closure of public schools on Friday.

Efforts have also included a travel ban for foreign nationals arriving in the United States from 28 European countries as the number of cases increase in that part of the world, and bans on large gatherings of people in states hardest hit by the virus as well as in some cities. Those bans, as well as a positive case of COVID-19 for Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert, led to all major professional and collegiate sports leagues canceling games for the foreseeable future. The NCAA, the governing body of collegiate athletics, went a step further and canceled all championships through the spring sports season, meaning no College World Series for baseball or softball, or national track and field events, to name a few.

"One week ago, we were reporting 19 deaths, 490 infected. Today the count is at least 60 deaths, almost 3,000 infected and you say, as we heard, that the virus may continue to get worse for another two months. There have been estimates of hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. who could die or, in the worst-case scenario, millions. Can you tell the American people that that is possible?" — State of the Union guest host Brianna Keilar.

"You know it is possible because when you do a model you have a worst-case scenario, the best-case scenario and the reality is how you react to that will depend where you are gonna be on that curve. So, obviously we are clearly going to have more infections, there's going to be more problems with regard to morbidity and mortality. The challenge right now is how do we blunt that, I've said many times if you just leave it alone and left the virus to its own devices then it'll go way up and it'll come down naturally over a period of several weeks," Fauci said. "Unfortunately for our colleagues in Italy, in France, and certainly in China, that's what happened."

"In terms of contagiousness and lethality, worse than the flu?" — Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace

"Well, yes. I mean, it just is and we've got to face that fact, we've got to be realistic. We've got to realize, and I said that at the hearing, that things are going to get worse before they get better but the kinds of things we are doing now will hopefully mitigate that. You know, I showed that curve, that peak, but that's important because — to think that right now everything is going to be okay if you don't do anything, that's absolutely incorrect. We've got to really always be ahead of the curve," Fauci said.

"I say now in a way that people can understand—I'd like to be—the fact that we are criticized now for being over-reactive, cause when you are dealing with a virus outbreak, you are always behind where you think you are, so, therefore, you've got to jump ahead and stay ahead of the curve."

"Would you like to see a national lockdown, basically people — you can't go out to restaurants, bars, you need to stay home?" — Kellar, State of the Union

"I would like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction we see in restaurants and in bars. Whatever it takes to do that, that's what I would like to see," Fauci said.

"What about travel restrictions? Are we going to see domestic travel restrictions? I mean we know we have hot spots, we have Washington state, we have parts of California and New York. Should there be travel restrictions?" — Karl, This Week.

"When we sit around with the task force, we talk about every possibility, travel restrictions within the country have not been seriously discussed. I mean, they've been discussed but not seriously discussed. I don't see that right now in the immediate future, but remember we are very open-minded about whatever it takes to preserve the health of the American public," Fauci said.






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