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全球疫情:摩纳哥元首确诊新冠 意大利死亡病例成全球最多

2020-03-20 15:30  中国新闻网   - 













资料图:当地时间3月17日,巴黎凯旋门广场几乎看不到人员和车辆。法国总统马克龙当地时间16日晚发表全国电视讲话,宣布法国处于抗击疫情的“战时状态”。中新社记者 李洋 摄









资料图:当地时间3月13日,位于美国纽约皇后区的一家大型超市,民众排队购买物资。中新社记者 廖攀 摄

















Global epidemic: the head of Monaco has confirmed that Italy has the most deaths in the world

The novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic continues to spread. According to the data of Johns Hopkins University as of 5:43 Beijing time on the 20th, the number of confirmed cases in the world has exceeded 240000.
The epidemic situation in Europe and the United States is severe, with more than million confirmed cases in many countries, of which Italy has become the world's largest number of deaths. Many politicians, including the head of Monaco, have been diagnosed with infection or symptoms, and the spread of the virus has not been stopped.
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Photo: a man wearing a protective mask walks up the steps of Spania square in the center of Rome, Italy on March 12 local time.
"Zhongzhao" of global political leaders
Confirmed by the head of state of Monaco
Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the main cause of the global multi national government. On the 19th, Prince Albert II, head of state of Monaco, was diagnosed. International media now generally believe that the 62 year old Albert II is the first head of state infected with the new coronavirus. Earlier, the head of government and Minister of state of Monaco, Thiel, also tested positive for the new coronavirus.
On the same day, the European Union's chief negotiator for brexit, banier, tested positive for the new coronavirus.
In the United States, only 18 days, the United States has two members of Congress confirmed infection, now at least 14 members of Congress in contact with patients after self isolation. Earlier, US Defense Secretary esper was isolated from his deputy because of 37 confirmed cases at the Pentagon.
Brazil and Canada also have a number of dignitaries "recruited".  Brazil's Senate President Nicolas alcollenbre, head of the president's office of institutional security, Eleanor, and Minister of mines and energy Albuquerque were all confirmed Monday, and three people have been isolated at home. Recently, more than 10 Brazilian delegations to the United States have been confirmed.
In addition, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, is in self isolation because of his wife's positive test for new coronavirus.
Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez's wife, Begonia, was also diagnosed.  Previously, because the Minister of social equality of Spain was diagnosed, the queen of the king who contacted him was tested for the new coronavirus, and all government officials were tested.
In Iran, the number of politicians who have symptoms or have been diagnosed is high. The confirmed politicians include Iran's first vice president, Mahmoud jahangi, the head of the national disaster management organization and several members of Parliament.
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Information chart: on March 17, local time, people and vehicles are almost invisible in the triumphal arch square in Paris. French President Marcon delivered a national television address Tuesday night, announcing that France is in a "wartime state" of fighting the epidemic.  Photographed by Li Yang, reporter of China News Agency
Italy has the largest number of deaths in the world, with a cumulative diagnosis of more than 10000 cases in many countries
The EU will hold another video conference next week
In response to the epidemic, the European Union took travel restrictions and other measures from the 18th. On the second day of the "closure of the alliance" on the 19th, the number of confirmed cases in Europe continued to increase, and the "epicenter" epidemic remained severe.
Italy is the European country with the most serious epidemic. As of the 19th, 41035 cases have been confirmed in total, 5322 cases have been added in 24 hours, and 3405 cases have died in total. Italy has become the country with the most deaths in the world. Italy's first makeshift shelter hospital, consisting of 15 tents and 60 beds, will be opened in Cremona Tuesday.
On August 19, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Germany and France exceeded 10000. By about 20:00 p.m., 15196 people had been diagnosed, 156 cured and 44 died in Germany. The main commemorative activities for the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Second World War in Berlin had been cancelled. 10995 cases had been diagnosed in France, and the Cannes Film Festival would be postponed.
Spain is also the European country with more than ten thousand confirmed cases. As of the 19th, 17147 cases were confirmed and 767 cases died. The government has announced plans worth 200 billion euros to help troubled businesses, employees and other volunteer organizations.
There were 643 newly confirmed cases in Britain on the 19th, totaling 3269. British combat readiness servicemen enter the "official standby" state. "Combat readiness will be on standby to provide a range of defense outputs," defense procurement Secretary James haipe said
Affected by the outbreak, the EU decided to postpone the EU summit, which was scheduled to be held from 26 to 27. EU leaders agreed to hold another video conference next week to discuss the outbreak.
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Information chart: on March 13, local time, a large supermarket in Queens, New York, USA, people lined up to buy materials. Photographed by Liao pan, reporter of China News Agency
The total number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 10000, and the number of patients in New York state is on the rise
Rare to raise global tourism alert to the highest level
The epidemic is getting worse in the United States. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, as of 5:43 Beijing time on the 20th, 13159 cases were confirmed in the United States and 176 died. The National Guard has been launched in 23 states to help deal with the epidemic, and Texas has declared a public health disaster for the first time in 100 years.
To curb the epidemic, the U.S. State Department raised the global tourism warning to the highest level 4 Thursday, calling on people to avoid going abroad. The State Department's move appears to be unprecedented, the most serious such warning ever issued by the Department, US media said.
As of December 19, 4152 cases and at least 29 deaths have been confirmed in New York state. In the past week, the number of confirmed cases in New York State has surged more than 11 times, ranking first in the United States. Among them, 2469 people have been diagnosed in New York City. New York governor Cuomo stressed that the surge in confirmed cases is mainly due to the acceleration of virus testing in New York state.
The outbreak in Canada is also not optimistic. As of 10:00 p.m. on the 18th, Canada accumulated






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