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2020-03-22 13:37   美国新闻网   - 


资料图:当地时间3月4日,美民主党总统竞选人、纽约前市长迈克·布隆伯格结束了自己短暂而昂贵的竞选之旅,并宣布支持前副总统拜登。图为布隆伯格1月22日在华盛顿出席活动。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄









Fight for the key state! US billionaire Bloomberg funded the Democratic Party with us $18 million

Bloomberg, a billionaire and former mayor of New York, quit his presidential campaign to form a new super political action committee before the November election and provide support for grassroots campaigners. Instead, he decided to donate $18 million to the National Committee of the Democratic Party (DNC) to fight in key states, the world daily reported Monday.
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Infographic: on March 4 local time, Mike Bloomberg, the Democratic presidential candidate and former mayor of New York, ended his short and expensive campaign and announced his support for former Vice President Biden. Bloomberg attended the event in Washington on January 22. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
At the beginning of Bloomberg's election campaign, he promised to fund the Democratic Party's primary election support work, which will last until the general election. After he withdrew from the election, he said that most of his primary election support staff will continue to be used as an independent election organization to serve the Democratic Party's election.
But as a result, he failed to do both, instead transferring $18 million of his campaign account to DNC to hire candidates in key states.
Bloomberg's campaign team said they had considered setting up an independent entity to support the Democratic Party's nominees, but felt that the independent entity could not coordinate and unify with other campaign agencies in the strategy and implementation of the campaign, so they believed that in the next eight months before the election, it would be better to help DNC.
In dozens of contested states, Bloomberg's campaign team has paid off the office rent, which can be used until the November election. The offices will be transferred to state Democrats, and DNC will use Bloomberg's funding to hire candidates, including experienced organizational staff from the Bloomberg team.
The campaign directors of each state encouraged thousands of candidates from the Bloomberg team across the country to apply for DNC's campaign work, but their salary will not be the same as when they were in the Bloomberg team.
Bloomberg's funding to DNC is far beyond the limit of individual donations, but DNC officials believe it is legal because of transfers from the campaign. There are no restrictions on the contributions of individuals to their campaign teams or on the transfers of campaign teams to political parties.
Bloomberg's advisers say he will continue to fund democratic elections in order to win the presidential election over current US President trump.
Bloomberg announced on March 4 that he withdrew from the election and supported former Vice President Biden. His campaign has been hoping for a new super Political Action Committee; after deciding to abandon the plan, it said it was to avoid too much spending competition.


上一篇:美军关闭所有征兵站转为线上征兵 新兵仍继续训练




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