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2020-03-23 14:08   美国新闻网   - 


俄亥俄州州长迈克·德威恩(Mike DeWine)在俄亥俄州卫生局局长艾米·阿克顿(Amy Acton)博士于周日早些时候签署了该命令之后发布了该命令。最新的约翰·霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)追踪者称,俄亥俄州报告了250余例COVID-19病例和3例死亡。

“我们现在处于一个新阶段。@ DrAmyActon刚刚签署了一项针对俄亥俄州人的全州#StayHome订单,” DeWine发推文说。“ #StayHomeOhio:确实允许在家里例外居住。常识例外:为了健康和安全,必要的用品和服务,进行户外活动(ing狗,去公园-尽管操场关闭了)。


路易斯安那州还发布命令,要求该州的个人呆在家里以抵抗新型冠状病毒的传播。路易斯安那州卫生部周日分享了州长约翰·贝尔·爱德华兹(John Bel Edwards)的一份声明,阐明了该命令的参数,该命令将于当地时间星期一晚上5点生效。


新闻周刊与DeWine和Bel Edwards进行了联系。





Ohio and Louisiana on Sunday became the latest U.S. states to issue statewide stay-at-home orders to limit the spread of COVID-19 amid the global pandemic.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued the order after Dr. Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, signed the order earlier Sunday. Ohio has reported more than 250 cases of COVID-19 and three deaths, according to the latest John Hopkins University tracker.

"We are now at a new stage. @DrAmyActon just signed a statewide#StayHome order for Ohioans," DeWine tweeted. "#StayHomeOhio: It does permit exceptions to staying home. Common sense exceptions: leaving for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services, for outdoor activity (walking your dog, going to a park -- although playgrounds are closed)."

Ohio's order mandating all residents stay at home will be implemented Monday evening at 11.59 p.m. local time, and is scheduled to end on April 6. Individuals will be allowed to leave their homes for a limited number of activities, including for supplies and services and for outdoor activity. Gatherings of 10 or more people will be prohibited, but individuals who work in essential businesses will still be permitted to work.

Louisiana also issued an order mandating individuals in the state to stay at home to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. The Louisiana Department of Health on Sunday shared a statement from Governor John Bel Edwards that sets out the parameters of the order, which will come into effect at 5 p.m. local time on Monday evening.

Similar to the Ohio order, the Louisiana order allows individuals to go to grocery stores, pharmacies and medical appointment, among other essential activities. It prohibits people from going to work in non-essential industries and advises individuals from visiting friends or family unless there in the case of an emergency. Louisiana has reported more than 800 cases of coronavirus and 20 deaths related to the disease.

Newsweek reached out to DeWine and Bel Edwards for comment.

Ohio and Louisiana now join New Jersey, California, New York and Connecticut in issuing such orders, also called shelter-in-place orders.

As of Sunday, there were more than 311,000 confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide, with over 13,000 deaths recorded and at least 93,000 recoveries. The U.S. became the country with the fourth-most number of COVID-19 cases after China, Spain and Italy this weekend, after domestic coronavirus cases exceeded 26,000, with at least 340 deaths and 176 recoveries.

New York and Washington state share a large portion of the deaths, with 94 and 76, respectively.






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