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特朗普称希望韩提供医疗设备 文在寅:若有剩余将尽可能帮助

2020-03-26 00:44  中国新闻网   - 


当地时间3月13日,美国总统特朗普在白宫宣布“国家紧急状态”,应对新冠肺炎疫情。图为白宫新冠肺炎疫情协调官德博拉·博克斯在发布会上介绍测试流程。 中新社记者 陈孟统 摄






Trump said he hoped that the Korean medical equipment would be provided in the moon Jae in case of any surplus, it would help as much as possible.

Novel coronavirus was exchanged with President Trent on the afternoon of 24 July, according to Korean media. Trump hopes that the South Korean side can provide medical equipment for epidemic prevention. Moon Jae in the text said Han Guoruo has surplus resources and will provide assistance as far as possible.
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On March 13th, novel coronavirus pneumonia was announced by President Trump at the White House. The picture shows the novel coronavirus pneumonia coordinator Deborah Boakes at the press conference on the test process. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
According to a spokesman for qingwatai, the call lasted 23 minutes, the 23rd time since Wen zaiyin became president and the first time since this year.
According to a press release released by qingwatai, the leaders of the two countries expressed concern about the global pandemic and exchanged views on plans for cooperation in fighting the epidemic.
According to reports, trump raised the hope that the ROK could provide medical equipment for anti epidemic. Moon Jae in response to this said that if South Korea has the remaining resources, will help as much as possible.
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Information map: Korean President moon Jae in. Drawing of qinghuatai
Wen said he may need the approval of the FDA when he provides moon Jae in aid. Trump said he would take measures to get aid approved as soon as possible.






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