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2020-06-26 10:38   美国新闻网   - 

特朗普政府备受争议的纽约南区联邦检察官人选杰伊·克莱顿(Jay Clayton)周四下午在国会山作证,预计他将被提名为联邦地方法院法官,但他继续面临民主党的严厉批评。

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)现任主席克莱顿(Clayton)在一场名为《资本市场与19世纪危机时代的紧急贷款》(Capital Markets and Emergency Lending in COVID-19纪元)的听证会上开始作证时,谈到了自己的潜在提名,他宣称自己“完全致力于”将注意力放在自己目前在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的角色上。



投资者保护、企业家精神和资本市场小组委员会主席、众议员布拉德·谢尔曼(Brad Sherman)表示,希望克莱顿不会接受提名,并质疑他对这份工作感兴趣的动机。


众议院金融服务委员会主席、众议员玛克辛·沃特斯(Maxine Waters)告诉克莱顿,她“深感担忧”的是,他即将获得的提名可能导致唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统和司法部长威廉·巴尔(William Barr)“干扰你独立、有效监督”美国证交会的能力。








巴尔在上周五晚些时候的新闻发布会上宣布,担任纽约南区美国检察官的杰弗里·伯曼(Geoffrey Berman)将辞去该职位,为克莱顿创造空间,但伯曼很快发表声明,拒绝自愿辞职,这与司法部长的说法直接矛盾。




周六晚些时候,在特朗普试图与解雇保持距离后,伯曼同意“立即”离职。伯曼还指出,巴尔决定“尊重法律的正常运作,让美国代理律师奥黛丽·斯特劳斯(Audrey Strauss)成为代理美国律师”,而不是巴尔一手提拔的继任者克雷格·卡皮尼托(Craig Carpenito)。





据消息人士称,特朗普目前的私人律师鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)仍在接受曼哈顿办公室的调查,因其与乌克兰的财务关系而面临审查。


纽约州众议员卡罗琳·马洛尼(Carolyn Maloney)称驱逐伯曼是“一桩丑闻”和“公然滥用权力”,她认为这“极其令人不安”




Dems urge Trump's new pick for SDNY to withdraw from consideration

Jay Clayton, the Trump administration's controversial pick to become U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, testified on Capitol Hill Thursday afternoon, as his anticipated nomination to the federal district court continued to face stiff criticism from Democrats.

Clayton, the current chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, addressed his potential nomination as he began his testimony at a hearing entitled Capital Markets and Emergency Lending in the COVID-19 Era, proclaiming he is "fully committed" to directing his attention to his ongoing role at the SEC.

"I have a long-held deep respect for the work of the Southern District, which is recognized throughout our nation and internationally for enforcing the law, pursuing justice, without fear or favor," Clayton testified. "My deep personal respect is largely a result of many years working with the Southern District, and its distinguished alumni, including the senior personnel with the SEC. I recognize that the nomination process is multifaceted and uncertain. It's clear the process does not require my current attention."

Despite the stated focus of the hearing on the impact of the pandemic, House Financial Services Committee Democrats grilled him on his expected nomination.

Rep. Brad Sherman, the chairman of the Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets, expressed hope that Clayton would not accept the nomination and questioned his motives for having interest in the job.

"I hope you're here six months from now," Sherman, D-Calif., said, urging Clayton to withdraw from consideration for the post. "Keeping your name there simply weakens your gravitas with regard to the SEC and doesn't allow you to reduce your commute."

Rep. Maxine Waters, the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, told Clayton she is "deeply concerned" that his pending nomination could lead President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr "to interfere with your ability to independently and effectively oversee" the SEC.

Waters asked Clayton to recuse himself from "any and all matters before the SEC that directly or indirectly" involve the president "that may create the appearance that you're actually serving as a special favor to President Trump in order to obtain a position" that Trump and Barr "have highly politicized."

"I'm going to continue to do what I've always done at the SEC, which is to pursue all matters with independence and consult with ethics on any issues that would give the appearance of not having independence," Clayton answered.

Democrats also pressed Clayton to recuse himself from any matters involving the president and his associates not only in his current role as SEC chairman but also in his potential role as a U.S. attorney.

Clayton stressed that he strives to maintain independence, contending that potential recusal is "a process that’s way down the road" while pledging to "follow all ethical rules."

Trump has not yet formally nominated Clayton to the post, which requires Senate confirmation. Both of New York's senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have vowed to oppose Clayton, who was confirmed as SEC chairman in a bipartisan 61-37 vote on May 2, 2017.

Jay Clayton can allow himself to be used in the brazen Trump-Barr scheme to interfere in investigations by the U.S. Attorney for SDNY, or he can stand up to this corruption, withdraw his name from consideration, and save his own reputation from overnight ruin.pic.twitter.com/6h5D9jOaj7

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer)June 20, 2020

Barr announced in a news release late last Friday night that Geoffrey Berman, who served as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, would resign from the position to create room for Clayton, but Berman soon issued a statement refusing to step down voluntarily, directly contradicting the attorney general.

Barr then released a statement Saturday announcing he asked Trump to fire Berman -- effective immediately -- in light of his resistance, complaining Berman chose to create a "public spectacle over public service."

Later Saturday, Berman agreed to vacate his post "effective immediately" after Trump sought to distance himself from the firing. Berman also noted that Barr decided to "respect the normal operation of law and have Deputy U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss become Acting U.S. Attorney," instead of Barr’s hand-picked replacement, Craig Carpenito.

Barr is facing calls for his resignation and threats of impeachment from Democrats. He's expected to testify at the House Judiciary Committee on July 28.

Under Berman's leadership, the office prosecuted the president's former personal attorney Michael Cohen and filed sex trafficking charges against Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of the president who killed himself in federal jail less than two months later.

Trump's current personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, continues to be investigated by the Manhattan office -- facing scrutiny for his financial ties to Ukraine, according to sources.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany denied Berman was fired for investigating Trump's associates, telling reporters that Clayton "wanted to go back to New York City" and Trump "wanted to nominate him to this position in SDNY to keep him in the government as he returns to New York.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-New York, called the Berman ouster "a scandal" and "blatant abuse of power" that she finds "extremely troubling."

Clayton declined to discuss many details of his nomination with Maloney but revealed that he first expressed interest in the position with Trump and Barr earlier this month.

"I need to go back to New York," Clayton testified. "This is something I've been talking about for a while, consulting with people as to whether this would make sense for me to continue with public service."






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