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2020-08-03 10:02   美国新闻网   - 










新闻发言人南希·佩洛西说:“事实是,当我们达成协议时,我们就接近达成协议了。”@ MarthaRaddatz但没有提供时间表。https://t.co/gUHbMnXgofpic.twitter.com/EB6DJdLF2m


亚利桑那州参议员玛莎·麦克萨利(Martha McSally)周五在最后一刻提出了一项计划,以600美元的利率再给美国人一周时间,但这一举措被民主党人视为一种政治噱头,他们的众议院法案已通过两个月,将延长至明年1月。姆努钦周日在《本周》上称,随着谈判的继续,这一举措本可以弥合援助方面的差距。


尽管佩洛西和参议院少数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)似乎不愿意改变他们的立场,即失业援助金额应该保持不变,但众议院多数党领袖、医学博士斯蒂尼·霍耶(Steny Hoyer)周二在接受CNN采访时采取了不同的立场,称“这不是600美元或破产。”






财政部长姆努钦告诉记者@ MarthaRaddatz“毫无疑问”在“某些情况下”600美元的失业保险是找工作的一个抑制因素








发言人佩洛西说:“我认为总统一直在散布关于病毒的假消息,而她是他的指定人选,所以我对她没有信心。”@ MarthaRaddatz当被问及她对黛博拉·比克斯博士有信心时。https://t.co/HNQgCe39RNpic.twitter.com/ZDZYAjr0cJ


Speaker Pelosi blames Trump, GOP for deadlock in coronavirus relief negotiations

After both Democratic and Republican negotiators expressed optimism Saturday about progress on acoronavirusrelief package compromise, House Speaker Nancy Pelositempered expectationsSunday, explaining that her party and the Trump administration stilldon't see eye-to-eyeon the "strategic plan" necessary to combat the virus and prop up the struggling economy.

"In our negotiations, we're talking about dealing with some of the consequences of this pandemic, but the fact is, we must -- we must defeat this virus. And that's one of the points that we still have not come to any agreement on," Pelsoi said in an exclusive interview on ABC's "This Week" Sunday.

As evidence, the speaker pointed to earlier pandemic-focused legislation that emphasized virus testing, and blasted the administration for not implementing its expanded protocols. But in a later "This Week" interview, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin contested the characterization, arguing that eradicating COVID-19 was a point of unity.

"I was surprised to hear the speaker say we don't agree on the need to kill the virus," he told "This Week" Co-anchor Martha Raddatz. "We absolutely agree on the need to kill the virus."

The mixed signals come as the pair are locked in negotiations on the new relief bill -- at the center of which lies a disagreement about the amount of federal aid to be offered to unemployed Americans. Amid a standoff over the Democratic effort to extend for months the recently expired $600 weekly benefit versus the GOP plan to reduce that supplemental assistance to $200 -- after a one-week $600 extension to accommodate negotiations -- the speaker placed the blame squarely on her Republican Capitol Hill counterparts and the president.

After Democrats turned down offer of short-term extension, Speaker Pelosi says, "We have been for the $600. They have a $200 proposal which does not meet the needs of working families … the idea that they made a proposal is really not actually factual."https://t.co/HNQgCe39RNpic.twitter.com/tnlu1Bdx3g

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC)August 2, 2020

"(President Donald Trump is) the one who is standing in the way of that," Pelosi said. "We have been for the $600, they have a $200 proposal, which does not meet the needs of America's working families."

On Saturday, following a meeting with Mnuchin and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Pelosi told reporters that negotiations were "productive in terms of moving things forward." But when Raddatz asked on Sunday when Americans could expect to see a deal, the speaker's tone was markedly less optimistic, saying, "we will be close to an agreement when we have an agreement."

NEW: “The fact is we will be close to an agreement when we have an agreement,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells@MarthaRaddatzon COVID-19 relief negotiations, but does not provide a timeline.https://t.co/gUHbMnXgofpic.twitter.com/EB6DJdLF2m

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC)August 2, 2020

Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., floated a last-minute plan on Friday to give Americans one more week at the $600 rate, but the move was dismissed by Democrats -- whose two-month-old House bill would extend it to January -- as a political stunt. Mnuchin argued Sunday on "This Week" that the move could've bridged the gap in assistance as negotiations continued.

"We put on a table a proposal," he said. "Let's extend it for one week, at the same rate, white we negotiate so we don't hurt the American public."

Though Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have appeared unwilling to budge from their position that the amount of jobless assistance should go unchanged, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., took a different stance in a CNN interview Tuesday, claiming, "it's not $600 or bust."

"So, anything less than $600 is not a deal-breaker?" Raddatz pressed the speaker Sunday.

"The amount of money that is given as an enhancement for unemployment insurance should relate to the rate of unemployment," Pelosi said. "So when that goes down, then you can consider something less than the $600, but in this agreement it's $600."

"We are unified in our support for the $600," she added, while accusing Senate Republicans of being "in disarray," after several spoke out about the high cost of their total proposal.

Republicans continue to argue that the amount provides a disincentive to work, as some Americans are earning more on unemployment, given the federal supplement, than they would be on-the-job."

"There's no question in certain cases where we're paying people more to work -- stay home than to work -- that's created issues in the entire economy," Mnuchin said later on "This Week."

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin tells@MarthaRaddatz“there’s no question” that $600 unemployment insurance is a disincentive to find a job in “some cases.”

“There are cases where people are overpaid,” he adds when pressed about study refuting his argument.https://t.co/HNQgCe39RNpic.twitter.com/1zceOdxULW

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC)August 2, 2020

Pelosi characterized that position Sunday as condescending, and questioned the GOP's priorities.

"To disrespect their motivation -- (it's) so amazing how insistent the Republicans are about a working family and their $600, and how cavalier they are about other money that is going out," she said.

During the interview, the speaker also criticized one of the leading voices of the White HouseCoronavirusTask Force, taking aim at Dr. Deborah Birx's role in Trump's continued inaccurate statements about the pandemic.

Asked by Raddatz about a recent report fromPolitico, in which she called Birx "the worst" during a meeting with Trump administration officials, and accused her of "spreading disinformation," Pelosi did not deny the comments and appeared to argue that the doctor should be doing more to rein in the president's remarks.

"I think the president is spreading disinformation about the virus and she is his appointee," Pelosi said. "So I don't have confidence there, no."

JUST IN: "I think the president has been spreading disinformation about the virus and she is his appointee so, I don't have confidence there, no," Speaker Pelosi tells@MarthaRaddatzwhen asked is she has confidence in Dr. Deborah Birx.https://t.co/HNQgCe39RNpic.twitter.com/ZDZYAjr0cJ

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC)August 2, 2020






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