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2020-08-16 09:19   美国新闻网   - 


特朗普不仅计划在乔·拜登(Joe Biden)接受民主党提名前几个小时,在前副总统的家乡宾夕法尼亚州外发表演讲,他还将在其他三个摇摆州举行反节目活动,并将发起一场耗资数百万美元的大规模数字广告闪电战,包括从周二开始接管YouTube的横幅长达96小时。






特朗普竞选宣传总监蒂姆·默陶(Tim Murtaugh)在一份声明中表示:“拜登团队让特朗普竞选团队在乔的大周期间在互联网上抢到最好的高端房地产,这太棒了。”“我们将向数百万美国人展示,激进左翼分子对乔·拜登的接管是如何完成的。”

作为回应,拜登竞选团队嘲笑了前竞选经理布拉德·帕斯凯尔·尼克(Brad Parscale)将特朗普竞选团队命名为“死星”(Death Star)的臭名昭著的推文,并表示购买广告是该竞选团队的“噱头”之一


“死亡之星吹嘘在特技上浪费金钱,就像他们假装划船游行比最终控制疫情更重要一样。拜登的发言人安德鲁贝茨(Andrew Bates)在接受ABC新闻采访时表示:“特朗普的失败领导让16.7万多名美国人付出了生命代价,也让他从奥巴马-拜登政府那里继承的强劲经济陷入了美国历史上最严重的衰退。”





Trump looks to upstage DNC with swing-state events, multi-million dollar digital ad blitz

President Donald Trumpwon't sit idlyby during the Democratic National Convention next week.

Trump is not only scheduled to deliver a speech just hours before Joe Biden accepts the Democratic nomination right outside the former vice president’s hometown in Pennsylvania, he will also hold counter programming events in three other swing states and will launch a massive multi-million dollar digital ad blitz that includes taking over the banner of YouTube for 96 hours starting on Tuesday.

The four-day digital ad campaign that will cost up to “high-seven figures," a Trump campaign official told ABC News, will plaster the president's messaging across some of the most coveted digital real estate during a convention that will surely be mostly watched online. The ads will ramp up familiar attacks on the Democratic platform as a "radical left" nightmare for Republicans," sources said.

The campaign will not only take over the YouTube main banner, ads will also appear across the homepages of top news websites -- including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and FoxNews.com -- as voters are expected to be searching for updates on the DNC.

Trump's campaign has also purchased premium “unskippable” ads to run on streaming sites like Hulu in swing states, meaning viewerswatching the DNC onlineon such platforms will have to sit through a complete Trump ad first.

Trump campaign officials claimed they had the opportunity to snatch up the ad real estate because Democrats had left the space available.

"It’s great that Team Biden let the Trump campaign grab up the best premium real estate on the internet during Joe’s big week,” Trump campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement. "We’ll show millions of Americans exactly how the radical, leftist takeover of Joe Biden is now complete.”

In response, the Biden campaign mocked the now infamous Tweet from former campaign manager Brad Parscale nicknaming the Trump campaign "Death Star" and said the ad buy was one of the campaign's "stunts."

"The 'Death Star' brags about wasting money on stunts almost as much as they pretend that boat parades are more important than finally bringing the pandemic under control. No smoke and mirrors charade can conceal that Donald Trump's failed leadership has cost over 167,000 Americans their lives and driven the strong economy he inherited from the Obama-Biden Administration into one of the deepest recessions in our history," Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates told ABC News.

On Thursday evening, Biden will give his acceptance speech at the Chase Center, a large event space on the waterfront in Wilmington, Delaware, the Biden campaign confirmed. Trump will deliver is own remarks attacking Biden's "record of failure" in Old Forge, Pennsylvania.

Trump's speech will cap off a string of all-out efforts by the president tocounter the Democrat's conventionweek. He has planned three other campaign events in swing states including Minnesota, Wisconsin on Monday and Arizona on Tuesday.

This is a familiar tactic for Trump, who held counter rallies throughout the Democratic primary contests.

In response to the news that Trump will visit Pennsylvania the day Biden will accept the Democratic Nomination, Bates slammed Trump for failing to get the virus under control and costing Pennsylvanians lives, calling the trip a “sideshow” and a “pathetic attempt to distract” from the Trump presidency.

ABC News' Molly Nagle contributed to this report.






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