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2020-12-03 11:56   美国新闻网   - 



一名高级政府官员告诉美国广播公司新闻,白宫办公厅主任马克·梅多斯(Mark Meadows)周三召见了食品和药物管理局局长斯蒂芬·哈恩(Stephen Hahn),要求在几天内在白宫西翼举行第二次会议。

PHOTO: President Donald Trump speaks in the Diplomatic Room of the White House on Thanksgiving on Nov. 26, 2020 in Washington, D.C.





特朗普的盟友英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)最近与总统唱反调,承认拜登在总统选举中获胜,他指出,英国是第一个“预先订购辉瑞疫苗供应的国家,确保了4000万剂疫苗”。



特朗普政府疫苗项目的首席科学顾问蒙瑟夫·斯劳伊(Moncef Slaoui)在接受美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)首席主播乔治·斯特凡诺普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)采访时表示:“我希望美国食品和药物管理局能得出类似的结论。”《早安美国》访谈星期三。


PHOTO: Dr. Moncef Slaoui, delivers an update on









Trump silent as UK is first to authorize vaccine

Despite his repeated efforts to take credit for the record pace at which scientists have developed a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, PresidentDonald Trumpwas uncharacteristically silent Wednesday after theUnited Kingdombecame the first nation to authorize a COVID-19 vaccine.

Trump has for months zeroed in on vaccine production as a key to fighting the virus -- and to his reelection -- pressuring federal regulators in the United States to move faster and alleging -- without evidence -- that they and pharmaceutical companies have slow-rolled the process in order to hurt him politically.

The White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, on Wednesday summoned the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Stephen Hahn, for a second meeting at the West Wing in as many days, a senior administration official told ABC News.

Trump has for months publicly pressured the FDA to act more quickly on authorizing treatments for COVID-19 -- even when they had not been proven to be effective. During the campaign, he openly expressed his desire for a vaccine to become widely available by Election Day, which did not happen.

Shortly after the election, in a now rare public appearance on Nov. 13, he again bragged about the vaccine effort, which he dubbed "Operation Warp Speed," calling it "unequaled and unrivaled anywhere in the world, and leaders of other countries have called me to congratulate us on what we’ve been able to do," and he has recently lamented that President-elect Joe Biden would receive credit.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a Trump ally who recently bucked the president by recognizing Biden's victory in the presidential election, noted his country was the first “to pre-order supplies of this Pfizer vaccine, securing 40 million doses.”

“All the time we’ve been waiting and hoping for the day when the searchlights of science would pick out our invisible enemy and give us the power to stop that enemy from making us ill,” Johnson said Wednesday. “And now the scientists have done it.”

The U.K.'s announcement Wednesday that it had granted a temporary authorization for emergency use of a vaccine developed and produced by Pfizer and the German company BioNTech shone a light on the different regulatory regimes there and in the United State

"I would expect the FDA to reach a similar conclusion," the chief scientific adviser to the Trump administration's vaccine program, Moncef Slaoui, told ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos inan interview on "Good Morning America"Wednesday.

"The U.K. agency is a very, very high-level type of agency, comparable to the FDA in terms of quality and depth of its assessment," he added. "But of course, as you know, the operation is totally separated from the FDA as far as judgments are concerned, and, you know, things will follow their course. But I hope by the 10th or 11th of December, the Pfizer vaccine is approved."

The development of COVID-19 vaccines has moved at record speed, and the FDA has shortened its typical regulatory process significantly.

Top Trump administration public health officialshave insistedthat political motivations are not playing any role along the way, and White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday portrayed Meadows meeting with Hahn as not unusual.

"It is par for the course for the chief of staff to meet with him as we’re trying to save American lives with the vaccine in record time," she told reporters at a news conference.

The White House otherwise declined to comment on either of Hahn's White House meetings this week.

McEnany also said that she was "not aware" of the White House receiving any heads up that the U.K. was going to authorize the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

“I’m not aware of any heads-up that we were given," she said Wednesday in response to a question from ABC News' Ines de la Cuetara.






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