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2020-12-04 18:55   美国新闻网   - 

多个消息来源告诉美国广播公司新闻,司法部(Justice Department)对一项可能的计划进行了调查,该计划旨在游说特朗普政府赦免总统——这一消息在本周早些时候引起了关注——据称是由一名现已去世的加州房地产大亨代表一名因逃税而入狱的伯克利心理学家发起的。

这两个人物在华盛顿都不出名,但消息人士告诉美国广播公司新闻,据称由亿万富翁共和党捐赠者桑福德·迪勒(Sanford Diller)聘请来代表这位心理学家的律师是阿贝·洛威尔(Abbe Lowell),他是华盛顿最著名和最有权力的律师之一。


洛厄尔没有回复美国广播公司新闻部寻求置评的电子邮件和电话信息。里德·温加滕(Reid Weingarten)是洛厄尔的朋友和律师,他证实洛厄尔在这件事上代表巴拉斯。他说没有行贿。



消息人士称,迪勒向埃利奥特·布罗迪(Elliott Broidy)寻求建议,埃利奥特·布罗迪是一名人脉广泛的特朗普筹款人,后来被卷入了自己的法律纠纷。布罗迪在10月份对违反外国游说法的指控认罪。他通过发言人拒绝置评。

布罗迪的律师威廉·伯克(William Burck)告诉美国广播公司新闻(ABC News),布罗迪“应迪勒的要求,将他转介给一名华盛顿的律师,他可以在赦免申请上提供帮助。布罗迪先生把他送到阿贝·洛厄尔。”
















Federal probe into alleged bribery-for-pardon scheme involved now-deceased billionaire: Sources

The Justice Department investigation into a possible scheme to lobby the Trump Administration for a presidential pardon -- news of which garnered attention earlier this week -- was allegedly mounted by a now-deceased California real estate magnate on behalf of a Berkeley psychologist in prison for tax evasion, multiple sources tell ABC News.

Neither figure is well-known in Washington, but the lawyer allegedly hired by billionaire Republican donor Sanford Diller to represent the psychologist was Abbe Lowell, one of the most prominent and powerful D.C. attorneys, the sources told ABC News.

Lowell, who most recently representedJared KushnerandIvanka Trumpduring the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, is not believed to be under investigation for his role in the matter, his attorney told ABC News.

Lowell did not respond to email and phone messages from ABC News seeking comment. Reid Weingarten, a friend and attorney for Lowell, confirmed that Lowell represented Baras in the matter. He said no bribe was paid.

"Abbe came to believe there were legitimate arguments to be made that this guy shouldn't do time. Seeking clemency is a completely normal route," Weingarten said. "The fact that he pursued that -- there's nothing wrong with it."

The sources told ABC News that in early 2017, Diller was trying to identify a well-connected attorney in Washington who could help procure a pardon for his friend, a Berkeley psychologist named Hugh Leslie Baras. In 2014, Baras, then 70, was convicted of tax evasion and theft of government property, and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison.

Sources said that Diller sought advice from Elliott Broidy, a well-connected Trump fundraiser who would later be swept into his own tangle of legal trouble. Broidy pleaded guilty in October to a charge of violating foreign lobbying laws. He declined through a spokesman to comment.

William Burck, an attorney for Broidy, told ABC News that Broidy was "asked by Mr. Diller to refer him to a D.C. lawyer who could assist on a clemency petition. Mr. Broidy sent him to Abbe Lowell."

Burck said that was the extent of Broidy's involvement, which he noted should not be construed as lobbying. He said Broidy is not under investigation and "has not been accused by anyone of any wrongdoing whatsoever."

After Broidy introduced Diller to Lowell, sources said, what happened next is unclear. Weingarten said he suspects Diller was very eager to see Lowell secure a pardon for his friend.

"What I'm sure of is that Diller had deep affection for the doctor and was a demanding billionaire," Weingarten said. "The billionaire in San Francisco made huge campaign contributions and had unrealistic expectations of what that meant in terms of the juice he had -- which was none."

Diller died in 2018 and Baras did not receive a presidential pardon.

Baras was released from prison in 2019, according to online prison records. Efforts by ABC News to reach Baras were unsuccessful.

A complicating aspect of the bid for a pardon was the multiple hats worn at various times by Lowell, who would have been representing Baras and Kushner. Lowell also represented a cooperating witness in the later case against Broidy, which was part of a long-running investigation.

Weingarten said Lowell never approached Kushner about the Baras clemency matter.

"There is no connection to Jared Kushner," Lowell's attorney said. "He never asked Jared Kushner for anything related to this client -- or for any other client having to do with clemency."

The documents made public Tuesday indicate the Justice Department had mounted an investigation into the effort to secure a pardon. Documents unsealed by the chief judge on the D.C. district court show government investigators seized computers, phones and other equipment related to the investigation.

The court documents describe an investigation into what was alleged to be a "secret lobbying scheme" to contact senior White House officials to secure "a pardon or reprieve of sentence" for an unidentified individual.

"No government official was or is currently a subject or target of the investigation disclosed in this filing," a DOJ official said in a statement late Tuesday.

Weingarten told ABC News he has "every reason to believe the Justice Department doesn't have the slightest quarrel with anything Abbe did."

The filing notes that some communications in question seized by the government were taken from the office of an unidentified lawyer near the end of this past summer. It is unclear if this was from Lowell.

According to the documents, the government in August sought a court order "so that the investigative team [could] access" certain communications and confront individuals in the case in order to take "investigative steps needed to complete its investigation."

President Donald Trump tweeted earlier this week that the reports about the alleged pardon scheme were "fake news."






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