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2020-12-19 16:04   美国新闻网   - 




PHOTO: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks at the weekly news conference on Capitol Hill on Dec. 03, 2020, in Washington.








PHOTO:White House Deputy Press Secretary Brian Morgenstern speaks with members of the press outside the White House, Oct 7, 2020.




















Trump-Biden transition live updates: Biden to receive coronavirus vaccine next week

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 33 days.

McCarthy dodges question on challenging Electoral College vote

Asked whether he will join with other House Republicans to formally object to the certification of theElectoral Collegeresults on Jan. 6, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., laughed and told reporters, "We'll watch and see," per the pool reporter on Capitol Hill.

McCarthy hasn't formally taken a position on the long-shot effort, which still lacks Senate Republican support needed to force debate and vote on the results of the election, nor has he recognized Biden as the president-elect.

TheElectoral Collegeaffirmed Biden's victory on Monday without any faithless electors. Trump won 232electoral votesto Biden's 306.

White House doesn't give timeline for Trump to receive vaccine

White House deputy press secretaryBrian Morgenstern told reporters Friday that the president remains willing to take theCOVID-19 vaccinewhen the time is right, while noting that Trump has already beeninfected with the virus.

When asked directly if there are concerns about him being vaccinated too close to receiving the monoclonal antibody cocktail, as the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionrecommendswaiting 90 days between the two,Morgenstern said, "I don't know about concerns."But he added Trump is "perfectly willing to get it, andif the advice is that it is fine -- it will be effective if he takes it sooner rather than later -- he'll do that."

The response comes ahead of Biden being slated to receive the first dose of Pfizer's vaccine on Monday and following Vice President Mike Pence's public vaccination Friday morning.

Morgensternwas also asked to explain why the public has not heard from Trump all week.

"There's a lot of work that goes on that isn't necessarily public, but he is hard at work, and when it's the appropriate time for him to come speak publicly, of course that's his right, his prerogative to do," he said. "But at this point the administration continues to work very hard behind the scenes, and to the extent we have to speak publicly we do that. But the work is being done whether or not he's coming in front of you."

Biden transition says pause in DoD briefings was not 'mutually agreed upon'

The Biden transition team is pushing back on Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller's statement earlier Friday that there was a "mutually agreed upon holiday break" between the Pentagon and Biden officials, stressing the Biden team felt it was important to keep conversations going over the holiday.

Miller had denied reporting earlier in the day that there had been a halt to transition meetings with the Biden team, saying, "After the mutually-agreed upon holiday pause, which begins tomorrow, we will continue with the transition and rescheduled meetings from today."

However, the Biden transition disputed Miller's claim on a call briefing reporters Friday afternoon.

"Let me be clear: There was no mutually agreed upon holiday break. In fact, we think it's important that briefings and other engagements continue during this period, as there's no time to spare, and that's particularly true in the aftermath of the ascertainment delay," said transition official YohannesAbraham.

Abraham added it was the team's expectation that meetings would continue "immediately."

Biden's team did not answer when asked if Miller was lying in his statement, instead saying the press could make its own judgments based on the information provided.

Biden transition warns against 'unnecessary provisions' in COVID-19 relief deal

Incoming Biden-Harris national economic adviser Brian Deese released a statement oncongressional relief negotiationsFriday warning against "unnecessary provisions" that might hamper efforts on the Hill.

"While we are encouraged by the bipartisan effort underway to provide critical relief to millions of Americas, the package should not include unnecessary provisions that would hamper the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve’s ability to fight economic crises," Deese said.

A Democratic aide told ABC News earlier Friday a relief deal was in sight -- "until Sen. Toomey and Republicans inserted an 11th hour purely political, unrelated provision to tie Biden’s hands and risk throwing the economy into a tailspin."

"The Toomey provision would be an unprecedented change to the law to strip the Fed chair of one of their most important tools to quickly respond to any future economic crisis," the aide said.

The $900 billion package currently on thenegotiating table-- the largest package in history behind the relief bill passed in March -- is expected to include additional funding on expanded federal unemployment benefits and stimulus checks to millions of Americans below a certain income level.

With government funding set to expire at midnight, negotiators are working to strike deals on both government spending and COVID-19 relief in order to avoid a government shutdown.






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