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2020-12-26 20:13   美国新闻网   - 

据乔恩·奥索夫(Jon Ossoff)接任参议员大卫·珀杜(David Perdue)的最新竞选财务报告显示,从10月15日至12月16日,他的收入超过了1.06亿美元。拉斐尔·沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)试图超越参议员凯利·洛夫勒(Kelly Loeffler),以1.03亿美元的收入紧随其后。


两场比赛将决定哪个党控制参议院 - 并有可能当选总统拜登如何雄心勃勃的可与他的日程。

如果共和党人赢得一场比赛,他们将维持一小部分多数,而众议院将成为反对民主立法的堡垒。但是,如果民主党同时携带,平衡性将是50-50 -with当选副总统卡马拉·哈里斯提供决胜票。假设拜登可以让其他民主党人参与进来,那么这将使拜登能够制定更雄心勃勃的议程。

沃诺克竞选经理杰里德·库兹(Jerid Kurtz)在一份声明中说:“基层的支持和慷慨使我们感到沮丧,沃纳克牧师继续代表美国参议院的所有乔治亚人参加竞选。”


筹款数字远远超过破纪录的5700万美元,民主党人杰米·哈里森(Jaime Harrison)在四月四分之一的竞选中试图击败南卡罗来纳州的美国参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)。哈里森输掉了那场比赛。





Democrats in Georgia Senate contests take in more than $200M

Jon Ossoff, who is taking on Sen. David Perdue, took in more than $106 million from Oct. 15 through Dec. 16, according to his latest campaign finance report. Raphael Warnock, who is trying to unseat Sen. Kelly Loeffler, was close behind with a little over $103 million.

Perdue reported $68 million over the same two-month span, with Loeffler taking in just under $64 million. Three of the campaigns reported their financial data on Thursday. Loeffler submitted hers a day earlier.

The two races will determine which party controls the Senate — and likely how ambitious President-elect Joe Biden can be with his agenda.

If Republicans win one race, they will maintain a narrow majority, and the chamber will serve as a bulwark against Democratic legislation. But if Democrats carry both, the balance will be 50-50 —with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivering tie-breaking votes. That will likely enable Biden to enact a more ambitious agenda, assuming he can keep fellow Democrats on board.

“We’re humbled by the grassroots support and generosity that continues to power Reverend Warnock’s campaign to represent all Georgians in the U.S. Senate," Jerid Kurtz, Warnock's campaign manager, said in a statement.

Ossoff's campaign said it was proud of its voter turnout work. Loeffler's campaign did not release a statement. A text message to a spokesman for Perdue on Christmas Day was not immediately returned.

The fundraising figures far surpass the record-shattering $57 million that Democrat Jaime Harrison raised in one quarter in his bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina in November. Harrison lost that race.

And they are in addition to tens of millions of more dollars being spent on the January runoffs by outside groups. Previous campaign finance disclosures for the Georgia races suggest Republican outside groups have a fundraising advantage.

The money has fueled a barrage of advertising and door-to-door canvassing.

Ossoff and Warnock have already spent more than $179 million, according to their latest disclosures. As of Dec. 16, they had about $40 million on hand for the campaigns' homestretch.

Perdue and Loeffler have spent more than $106 million. They reported about $37 million on hand at the close of the reporting period.






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