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2020-12-29 20:02   美国新闻网   - 


西南航空董事长兼首席执行官加里·凯利(Gary Kelly)周一对员工说,联邦救济“始终是我们的首选计划,这意味着我们可以停止此前宣布的休假运动并减薪。”



上周,在国会通过了最新的救济措施之后,美国航空首席执行官道格·帕克(Doug Parker)表示,其承运人将召回19,000名被解雇的工人,并将其薪水和福利追溯至12月1日。一位发言人周一表示,美国航空也打算尽快恢复飞往小型航空公司的航班。在联邦政府要求维持这些航班到期后,今年秋天被丢弃的城市。




Southwest pulls threat of furloughs after relief bill signed

Delta and Southwest avoided furloughs by convincing thousands of workers to take voluntary buyouts or early retirement and, in the case of Delta, negotiating contract concessions from pilots. This month, Southwest warned nearly 7,000 workers that their jobs could be in danger if their unions did not accept pay cuts of about 10%.

Southwest Chairman and CEO Gary Kelly told employees Monday that federal relief “was always our preferred plan, and it means we can stop the movement toward furloughs and pay cuts that we previously announced.”

Kelly said Dallas-based Southwest doesn’t expect the need for any furloughs or pay cuts in 2021. But, he added, the airline is "still overstaffed in many areas,” and he appealed to employees to consider voluntary time off.

A spokesman for United said Monday the airline was still working on details for temporarily bringing back 13,000 furloughed workers through March.

Last week, after Congress passed the latest relief measure, American Airlines CEO Doug Parker said his carrier would recall 19,000 furloughed workers and make their pay and benefits retroactive to Dec. 1. A spokesman said Monday that American also intends to soon restore flights to smaller cities that were dropped this fall after a federal requirement to maintain those flights expired.

This spring, as the pandemic caused a nosedive in travel, airlines warned of massive layoffs unless Congress provided federal aid. That led in March to the first round of taxpayer assistance – up to $25 billion to cover payrolls for six months, and another $25 billion in low-interest loans. Some airlines turned down the government loans.

This fall, with travel still well below half of 2019 levels, airlines lobbied Washington for another round of aid, and they were rewarded.

The rapid development of vaccines has again raised hopes for a recovery in travel, maybe in time to salvage the key summer vacation season. However, a new strain of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom has led to new travel restrictions in Europe and sent another shiver through the airline industry.






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