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  • 特朗普用白宫大会演讲压制规范,引发了道德问题


  • 随着共和党大会的开始,特朗普寻找的对手不是拜登

    唐纳德特朗普总统将确保周一再次提名并立即寻求将大选变成一场个人的角逐特朗普式的大规模但几乎是虚拟的共和党全国代表大会,旨在与他的对手形成鲜明对比。 但是前副总统乔拜

  • 特朗普兜售COVID-19康复期血浆治疗

    美国食品和药物管理局周日宣布,将对住院病人的恢复期血浆治疗发放紧急授权新冠肺炎病人但是一些在大流行前线的研究人员说,这一举动将使他们的工作更加困难。 总统唐纳德特朗

  • 拜登“迫不及待”等待秋季辩论

    前副总统乔拜登告诉美国广播公司今夜世界新闻主播大卫穆尔他已经在为今年秋天的总统辩论做准备了。 总统说他已经在为辩论做准备了。是吗?穆尔问道。 拜登告诉穆尔:我也是。我等

  • 拜登:选择一个黑人女性作为竞选伙伴没有压力

    在他的第一次采访中民主党总统候选人,前副总统乔拜登讨论了他选择有色人种女性作为竞选伙伴的动机。 你有没有感到选择黑人女性的压力?《早安美国》的联合主持人罗宾罗伯茨周

  • 威斯康辛州的民主党人对乔·拜登决定不进行面对面的访问表示赞同

    密尔沃基-乔拜登在上周的民主党全国代表大会上,我在电话中向威斯康辛州的代表们承诺决定不去美国旅行因为冠状病毒而接受民主党总统提名,他会尽快回来。 这让来自威斯康星州

  • 白俄罗斯反对派领导人说,人们永远不会原谅总统

    Belarus opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya says people will never be able to forgive president The head of the opposition in the recently disputed Belaruselections, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, never believed that she would be at the cente

  • 特朗普说他希望警察在投票站,专家称这是非法的

    Trump says he wants police at polling sites. Experts say thats unlawful. A day after Donald Trump told Sean Hannity he wanted law enforcement officers at polling places, a chorus of experts including multiple secretaries of state told ABC N

  • 邮政服务如何成为2020年大选前的一个热点

    How the Postal Service became a flashpoint ahead of the 2020 election As the 2020 U.S. presidentialelectionramps up, the struggling Postal Service has become an unexpected flashpoint with many critics arguing that the Trump administration i

  • 众议院通过250亿美元法案,在选举前阻止美国邮政服务改革

    House passes $25B bill to block USPS changes ahead of election The House voted on Saturday to provide $25 billion in funding to the U.S. Postal Service while blocking operational changes that have slowed down service ahead of the election.

  • 史蒂夫·班农称他的被捕是“政治上的一次打击”,称这是为了支持特朗普

    Steve Bannon calls his arrest a political hit job, says effort was in support of Trump Steve Bannonslammed his arreston Wednesday, calling it a political hit job and nonsense, while vowing to fight the charges against him. He also reiterate

  • 拜登对美国广播公司的罗宾·罗伯茨说:“我不想解散警察,但特朗普想

    Biden to ABCs Robin Roberts: I dont want to defund the police, but Trump does In his first interview as the Democratic presidential nominee,former Vice PresidentJoe BidenrefutedPresidentDonald Trumps claim that he wants to defund the police

  • 穆尔说:特朗普的侮辱是对“忽视、疏忽和伤害”的干扰

    Harris to ABCs David Muir: Trump insults are distractions from neglect, negligence and harm In an exclusive interview with ABC World News Tonight AnchorDavid Muiron Friday, Sen.Kamala Harrisbrushed off some of the insults directed at her by

  • 拜登将“关闭[国家]”以阻止COVID-19的传播

    Biden to ABCs David Muir: I would shut [country] down to prevent spread of COVID-19 if scientists recommended Former Vice PresidentJoe Bidensaid in an exclusive interview with ABC World News Tonight AnchorDavid Muiron Friday that as preside

  • 在有争议的马萨诸塞州参议员竞选中,佩洛西在马基问题上支持肯尼迪

    Pelosi backs Kennedy over Markey in contentious Massachusetts Senate race House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is weighing in on the fierce Senate primary race in Massachusetts between Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Joe Kennedy, endorsing Kennedy in the fin

  • 热点新闻



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