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2019-12-23 13:42  美国留学   - 











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MPP @ Harvard KennedySchool



Applicants arenot required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS score only if their:

  • Native language is English, or

  • Four-year undergraduate degree wasconducted entirely in English


MPP @ Brown U




Language proficiency exams are not required ofthose students who have earned a degree from a non-U.S. university where theprimary language of instruction is English, or from a college or university inthe United States.

*If thestudies leading to an advanced degree from a U.S. institutionwere conducted primarily or wholly in a language other than English, theTOEFL must be taken.


MPP @ Johns Hopkins U



International applicants from countries where English is theofficial language are exempt from the English language test requirement. To determine if you qualify for an exemption, refer to the table foundon the Office of Admissions website.

International applicants who have completed four complete yearsof study (post-high school) leading to a formal degree from an accredited U.S.institution are also exempt from the requirement.

Statistics @ HarvardU

Applicantswhose native language is other than English and who do not hold the equivalentof a US Bachelor's degree from an institution at which English is the languageof instruction must submit scores from the Internet based test (IBT) of theTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) .


Statistics @ StanfordU


  • 达到要求直接免

  • 不确定,需提交表格,等学校评估

  • 对于英语非母语美国公民,并不自动免除托福(复杂吧。。)

  • Exemptions aregranted to applicants who have earned (or will earn, before enrolling atStanford) a U.S. bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from a college oruniversity accredited by a regional accrediting association in the UnitedStates, or the international equivalent degree from a university of recognizedstanding in a country in which all instruction is provided in English.Therefore, applicants with degrees from the U.S., Australia, Canada (exceptQuebec), New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, and the United Kingdom (England,Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales) are exempt from taking the TOEFL and do notneed to submit theTOEFL Waiver Request form.

  • Applicants withdegrees from institutions in countries other than those listed above and inwhich English was the only language of instruction must submit the TOEFL Waiver Request form in order to beevaluated for a waiver to the TOEFL requirement.

  • U.S. citizenship doesnot automatically exempt an applicant from taking the TOEFL if the applicant’sfirst language is not English.


Statistics @ U ofChicago



Wewill assume you have an adequate command of English if you grew up in theUnited Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or theUnited States, OR if, in the last five years, you completed one academic yearof full-time study at an English-language institution in one of these sevencountries.


Statistics @ Duke



TOEFL/IELTSWaiver Policy

  • To be eligible for aTOEFL/IELTS waiver, you must have studied fulltime for two years or more at acollege or university where the sole language of instruction is English and ina country where English is the primary spoken language. The two years of studymust be completed prior to application submission.

  • If you believe youqualify for a TOEFL/IELTS waiver based on the above criteria, upload a writtenrequest for the waiver in the Additional Information section of your onlineapplication. In your request, be sure to state where you completed the two-yearstudy requirement. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we willnot examine, confirm the status of, or grant any waiver requests prior toextending an offer of admission.

  • Keep in mind that anyadmitted international student whose first language is not English must takeoral and written Englishplacement exams conducted by the English for InternationalStudents program at the beginning of the term of matriculation. This isrequired regardless of whether a TOEFL/IELTS waiver is granted.


NOTE: Westrongly encourage all applicants whose first language is not English to takeeither the TOEFL or the IELTS test before applying to The Graduate School, evenif they meet the TOEFL/IELTS waiver criteria. The exam results can providevital information to an applicant and The Graduate School regarding thestrength of an applicant’s academic English skills. In addition, many graduatedepartments and programs consider TOEFL and IELTS scores a critical factorduring the application review process. Contact your department or program ofinterest to determine how or whether TOEFL and IELTS scores factor into theirapplication review.






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