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2021-02-09 14:54  美国新闻网  _

2021年,随着美国新政府的上任, 留学政策利好频出, 特别是针对学习STEM专业的留学生,从签证,永久居留权, 找工作都出现了很多利好。


很多同学都会关心美国工程学院中系统工程专业的课程设置与申请策略, 今天我们简单进行一个介绍。 






系统工程在系统科学结构体系中,属于工程技术类,它是一门新兴的学科,国内外有 一些学者对系统工程的含义有过不少阐述,但至今仍无统一的定义。 






从以上我们可以看出,系统工程是以大型复杂系统为研究对象,按一定目的进行 设计、开发、管理与控制,以期达到总体效果最优的理论与方法。‍










宾大系统工程专业的课程体系里,除了Electrical Systems Engineering的主干课程,还会设置大量的沃顿的商学院课程(应用统计分析,系统优化,经济系统分析),授课老师也是沃顿商学院的教授,如果一些有工科背景的同学都很想未来转向商科或者金融行业,那么这类专业非常理想,更加能提升学生的专业关联度。


以下大家可以看一下宾夕法尼亚大学的系统工程系的培养体系和核心课程设置,对于那些想转向未来商科, 金融业的工科, 数学, 经济学背景的同学比较适合。


“Smart” buildings and highways. Environmental monitoring. Sensor networks. Hybrid systems. These are but a few of the many ways in which electrical and systems engineering are converging, especially at Penn. Proof of this exciting synergy is evident in the recent merger of our Electrical and Systems Engineering Departments. The M.S.E. Program in Systems Engineering (SE), grounded in the intersection of electrical and systems engineering, is best positioned to give students the in-depth theoretical foundation and interdisciplinary skills required by the growing complexity of technological systems. Our flexible curriculum allows you to tailor your studies to your personal interests and goals. From signal processing, optimization, simulation, control and cybernetics to complex adaptive systems, stochastic processes and decision sciences. Our graduates are found in leadership positions in major companies like Lockheed-Martin or pursuing doctoral degrees at Penn or other major research universities. The M.S.E. Program is designed for highly-qualified students who will become leaders in the increasingly complex field of systems engineering. Entering students generally have baccalaureate degrees in the engineering, mathematical, physical or economic sciences. Students with degrees in other fields who have expertise in quantitative and computer analyses also enter the program.


Required core courses:


    Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    Economic Systems Analysis

    Simulation Modeling and Analysis

    Introduction to Optimization Theory





除此之外, 其他美国大学工程学院系统工程专业设置与研究方向大致有以下这些:



实验设计(Design of Experiments)

非参数方法(Nonparametric Methods)

优化与算法(Optimization And Algorithms)

随机模型与仿真(Stochastic Modeling And Simulation)

质量工程(Quality engineering)

时间序列分析(Time Series Analysis)

回归分析(Regression Analysis)

运筹学(Operations Research)

卫生信息学(Health Informatics)

卫生系统(Health systems)

卫生系统工程(Health Systems Engineering)

能源(Energy)决策(Decision Making)

电子封装与制造(Electronics Packaging And Manufacturing)


医疗保健系统(Healthcare Systems)。 





上一篇:在美国留学,最怕遇到GPA 3.2 的留学生...




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