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流石 | Flavie Audi

2019-07-21 13:37  目刻时光   - 

石晶体 | Flavie Audi



Flavie Audi以其如炫丽宝石般的玻璃艺术品而被人熟知。在其伦敦个展的揭幕活动中,她还以生动的影像资料描绘了自然艺术与人造艺术的结合之美,既真实又虚幻。艺术家以这种方式邀请来访者探寻这两个世界。Audi的创作尽显玻璃之美。玻璃艺术,是艺术家们在现实空间之中探索出的乌托邦式完美世界。地质与宝石的完美结合在玻璃艺术中绽放光彩。



Flavie Audi is best known for her glass sculptures that resemble fantastical gems from another cosmos. For her inaugural London solo-exhibition, the artist has also created photographic and film based works as a means of investigating further the meeting point of natural and artificial worlds, the real and virtual. Audi invites the viewer to question the confines of both worlds in her cosmological creations.Audi’s practice finds its point of departure within the manipulation of glass. Glass plays a crucial part, for the artist, in contemplating a utopian future world where humans create cosmic fragments and new types of landscape formations. Geology and Gemmology are in complete symbiosis in this future ecosphere.

Glass is a man-made element, a composite of various organic materials. Being both a conductor and reflector of light, it has always hovered at the border of absence and presence. Inspired by simple sensuality and a process-driven approach, Audi’s works are paradoxically both rigorously scientific and serendipitous. Whether it is the Clouds, Cloudscapes, Fluid Rocks or Bubbles of Space, the alchemical processes intrinsic to these works create undefined edges and fluctuating colors. Furthermore, using the physical properties of glass, Flavie highlights the duality between the real and virtual worlds. Through its omnipresence in nearly all contemporary forms of digital devices and interfaces, glass becomes a signifier of the tension between the realms.



Fluid Rock












Bubble of Space




Bullet Proof




上一篇:失重的"快感" | 尼奥·劳赫




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