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2022-09-30 09:32  -ABC   - 

美国最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯的妻子吉妮·托马斯(Ginni Thomas)周四上午亲自出现在众议院1月6日委员会的办公室,接受闭门采访。


调查美国国会大厦袭击事件的特别委员会试图质疑Ginni Thomas推动州官员拒绝2020年选举结果的努力。她还与白宫成员沟通,包括唐纳德·特朗普总统的最后一任幕僚长马克·梅多斯(Mark Meadows),讨论如何努力推翻特朗普的失败。



吉妮·托马斯的律师马克·保莱塔(Mark Paoletta)在一份声明中表示,她“回答了委员会的所有问题”,并“很高兴与委员会合作,澄清对她围绕2020年选举活动的误解。”

鉴于吉妮·托马斯嫁给了最高法院的一名法官,并努力削弱上届总统竞选,她的政治激进主义一直受到审查。美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News)今年早些时候获得的记录显示,她在2020年11月大选后的几天里,给亚利桑那州众议院议长罗斯蒂·鲍尔斯(Rusty Bowers)和亚利桑那州众议员肖恩娜·博利克(Shawnna Bolick)发了电子邮件,要求他们“反击欺诈”。







在消息人士称她与右翼律师约翰·伊斯曼(John Eastman)交换的电子邮件被披露后,该委员会在6月份致函她,要求采访她。该委员会称伊斯曼是以欺诈手段推翻特朗普竞选失败的法律计划的领导者。



Ginni Thomas appears in person for interview with Jan. 6 committee

Ginni Thomas, the wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, appeared in person at the House Jan. 6 committee's offices on Thursday morning for a closed-door interview.

Cameras caught Ginni Thomas walking to the conference room around 9:30 a.m. Her meeting ended around 2 p.m.

The select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol attack has sought to question Ginni Thomas over her efforts to push state officials to reject the outcome of the 2020 election. She was also communicating with members of the White House, including President Donald Trump's last chief of staff, Mark Meadows, about efforts to overturn Trump's defeat.

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said after Ginni Thomas was interviewed that she still believes the 2020 election was stolen and answered "some" questions -- but he wouldn't characterize what she answered or not.

Thompson later said she didn't decline to answer any questions while he was there, which he said was for one hour.

In a statement, Ginni Thomas' attorney, Mark Paoletta, said she "answered all the Committee's questions" and "was happy to cooperate with the Committee to clear up the misconceptions about her activities surrounding the 2020 elections."

Ginni Thomas' political activism has been under scrutiny given her marriage to a Supreme Court justice and her efforts to undercut the last presidential race. Records obtained by ABC News earlier this year showed she emailed Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers and Arizona state Rep. Shawnna Bolick asking them to "fight back against fraud" in the days after the November 2020 election.

Her attorney reiterated in his statement on Thursday that she has "condemned the violence on January 6, as she abhors violence on any side of the aisle."

"As she has said from the outset, Mrs. Thomas had significant concerns about fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election," Paoletta contended. "And, as she told the Committee, her minimal and mainstream activity focused on ensuring that reports of fraud and irregularities were investigated. Beyond that, she played no role in any events after the 2020 election results."

Sources have previously said that it was unlikely that Ginni Thomas' interview would be played during the committee hearing originally scheduled for Wednesday. But since that hearing is now expected to be rescheduled for a later date, after Hurricane Ian hit Florida, it's possible clips from her sit-down could be seen publicly.

The committee hasn't formally announced a new date for the hearing, but Thompson has told reporters that he "doubts" it would be scheduled for next week.

He said members would meet to discuss a new date this week. Asked if it was possible the next hearing could be delayed until after the election, Thompson told ABC News, "I would think not, because we got a report to write."

Ginni Thomas' attorney confirmed last week she would be meeting with the committee.

The committee sent a letter to her requesting an interview in June, after revelations about emails that sources said she exchanged with right-wing lawyer John Eastman, whom the committee's described as a leader of the legal scheme to fraudulently overturn Trump's election loss.

The committee vice-chair, Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, told CNN at the time that they were prepared to consider subpoenaing Ginni Thomas for an interview.

The Jan. 6 committee is expected to release a final report of its findings and recommendations later this year.






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