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2019-10-01 16:19   美国新闻网   - 





       柬埔寨《波士顿先驱报》互助协会执行主任洛厄尔(Lowell)的Sovanna Pouv说:“当以难民的身份来到这里时,许多人去了难以成长并遭受帮派暴力的城市。”。” “有些人可能做出了错误的选择,但他们已经尽了自己的时间并重新融入社会,像这个国家的正常公民一样生活。如果他们是这个国家的公民,他们不会被驱逐出境。”

       ICE新英格兰总部办公室副主任托德·迈克尔·里昂斯(Todd Michael Lyons)在周日发表的一份声明中说:“如果遵守法治,任何人都不会受到豁免。” “国会有能力改变,编辑和重写移民法。国会既可以改变法律,也可以保护公众。议员有能力解决移民法的危机,而不必将执法视为威胁或纳粹。”


       计划在加利福尼亚州的萨克拉曼多和旧金山举行进一步的示威游行,据信至少有20名示威者向美国移民和海关执法局报告以开始驱逐程序,总部位于旧金山的亚裔倡导者,亚裔社区倡导者Ny Nourn -亚洲法律小组告诉KTLA。


       柬埔寨难民的驱逐始于2002年,当时柬埔寨提议开始遣返在美国被重罪定罪的难民。根据ICE数据,据《波士顿先驱报》报道,过去两年来,柬埔寨难民的遣返数量增加了200%,从2017年的29人增加到2018年的110人。在本财政年度结束时(周一结束) - 80名柬埔寨难民被驱逐出境,其中1,800人收到了驱逐通知。


       Roughly 100 immigrant rights activists gathered on the steps of Boston's federal immigration courthouse on Monday in protest of the Trump administration's recent efforts to deport Cambodian refugees with criminal convictions.

       Organizers argue that many are facing deportation from convictions stemming from long ago legal matters—sometimes decades old—that have since been resolved. Their sentences served, they are now productive members of their communities and have been for some time.

22 Sep 2001: American Flags are waved by the crowd during the game between the Ohio State Buckeyes and the California Los Angeles (UCLA) Bruins at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. Cambodian refugees are facing deportation for past criminal convictions, even though most served their sentences years ago.

       "When coming here as refugees, many went to cities that were hard to grow up in, and were exposed to gang violence," said Lowell's Sovanna Pouv, the executive director of the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association to The Boston Herald. "Some might have made a bad choice, but they have served their time and re-established themselves into society, living like a normal citizen in this country. They wouldn't get deported if they were a citizen of this country."

       "No one is exempt if the rule of law is followed," Todd Michael Lyons, ICE's New England Field Office deputy director, said in a statement published on Sunday. "Congress has the ability to change, edit and rewrite immigration laws. Congress can both change the law and protect the public. Lawmakers have the ability to fix the immigration law crisis without painting law enforcement as a threat or Nazis."

       In total, ten refugees have been targeted for deportation in Massachusetts, which has one of the largest Cambodian populations in America—five from Lowell, where 15 percent of the population is Cambodian, the rest scattered about the state.

       Further demonstrations are planned in Sacramento, California, and in San Francisco, where at least twenty have been told to report to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to begin deportation procedures, Ny Nourn, a San Francisco-based community advocate with the Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus told KTLA.

       Cambodian residents living in Minnesota, Texas, Rhode Island and Wisconsin have also been issued deportation orders, according to Elaine Sanchez Wilson, a spokeswoman for the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center in Washington, D.C.

       Deportations of Cambodian refugees began in 2002, when Cambodia offered to begin repatriating refugees who had been convicted of felonies in the United States. According to ICE data, as reported by the Boston Herald, removal of Cambodian refugees has gone up by 200 percent in the last two years, increasing from 29 removals in 2017 to 110 in 2018. At the conclusion of this fiscal year—which ends Monday—80 Cambodian refugees have been removed from the country with 1,800 having received deportation notices.






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