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2019-10-01 16:17   美国新闻网   - 





       “以学生安全为重中之重,一旦出现潜在威胁或担忧,我们将始终与FDCSD [Ford Dodge社区学区]合作。这一事件没有什么不同。一旦收集到信息,我们便与学校工作人员以识别涉案个人并追究他们的责任,”道奇堡警察局在一份新闻声明中说。



       互联网已经成为暴力威胁出现的场所,无论是在社交媒体还是在线期刊上。在其创建者对它们采取行动之前发现这些威胁已变得非常重要。社交哨兵(Social Sentinel)等技术已开始通过社交媒体网站上的帖子进行过滤,以发现潜在威胁。

       根据Government Technology的说法,Social Sentinel使用的专有算法查找关键短语,例如“ kill”或“ bomb”。当检测到威胁时,将向受影响的学校系统发出警报。届时,官员可以选择如何处理这些信息。佛罗里达州的湖泊,弗拉格勒和塞米诺尔县系统的学校已经与Social Sentinel签约,以监视社交媒体的帖子。

       但是人权问题笼罩在这些工具的使用上。人权观察说:“ ...对学生隐私权的潜在影响可能是不必要的,而且不成比例,使这种干扰不符合国际人权标准。” 文章继续指出,张贴此类威胁的孩子可能无法完全理解其陈述的后果。《新闻与大众传播季刊》上发表的一项研究表明,人们知道自己受到监视时,更有可能对自己进行审查。

       道奇堡高中(Fort Dodge High School)失去一名高中生遭住宅枪击事件仅三周后,Indeed.com上的威胁性帖​​子发布了。17岁的Daiqualis Poe于9月10日被一名家庭成员杀害。警察队长赖恩·格伦伯格(Ryan Gruenberg)告诉《信使报》,“尽管调查仍在进行中,但此时获得的信息表明这是一次偶然的枪击事件。”


       Authorities in Fort Dodge, Iowa, have charged a 14-year-old boy with a threat of terrorism after he allegedly posted on Indeed.com for a "school shooter," according to KCCI. The boy was taken to the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Facility in Eldora.

       Law enforcement officers were alerted to the post this past Friday. In an effort to get contact information on the alleged poster, officers tried to apply for the position. They were not able to complete the application.

       Authorities used information from the popular job-posting website and additional leads to identify the alleged poster. Looking for evidence, police used a search warrant to investigate the accused's home.

       "With student safety being of utmost importance, we always are working in collaboration with the FDCSD [Fort Dodge Community School District] anytime a potential threat or concern is raised. This incident was no different. Once information was gathered, we worked closely with the school staff to identify the individual involved and hold them accountable," the Fort Dodge Police Department said in a press statement.

The monitoring of websites could help avert acts of terrorism at schools.

       Indeed.com bills itself as the No. 1 job site in the world, with over 250 million unique visitors per month.

       The internet has become the place for violent threats to appear, whether on social media or online journals. Finding these threats before their creators can act on them has become of tantamount importance. Technology, such as Social Sentinel, has started to filter through posts on social media sites to find potential threats.

       According to Government Technology, the proprietary algorithm employed by Social Sentinel looks for key phrases, such as "kill" or "bomb." When a threat is detected, the affected school system is alerted. At that point, officials can choose what to do with the information. Schools in Florida, such as Lake, Flagler, and Seminole County systems, have already contracted with Social Sentinel to monitor social media posts.

       But the question of human rights looms over the use of these tools. Human Rights Watch says that "...the potential impact on students' privacy rights could be unnecessary and disproportionate—making such interference incompatible with international human rights standards." The article goes on to state that children posting these types of threats may not fully understand the consequences of their statements. A study published in Journalism & Mass Communications Quarterly says people are more likely to censor themselves when they know they're being monitored.

       The threatening post on Indeed.com comes just three weeks after Fort Dodge High School lost one of its seniors to a residential shooting. Daiqualis Poe, 17, was killed by a family member September 10. Foul play is not suspected. Police Captain Ryan Gruenberg told The Messenger, "While the investigation is ongoing, information obtained at this time suggests this was an accidental shooting."






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