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2019-10-14 14:38   美国新闻网   - 


       加利福尼亚州民主党众议员亚当·希夫(Adam Schiff)与几名共和党议员一起谴责唐纳德·特朗普总统从叙利亚撤军的美国,警告说ISIS已经开始复苏。

       希夫同意共和党伊利诺伊州国会议员亚当·金津格(Adam Kinzinger)的描述,称特朗普将部队撤出叙利亚北部是对土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安的“完全投降”。希夫说,在特朗普卸任并警告不要在与伊斯兰国激进分子库尔德人的战斗中放弃美国“最强盟友”后,美国“不会再有盟友离开”。希夫指出,美国前国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯曾多次警告特朗普,“ 这绝对是给定的 ”伊斯兰国将重返该地区。


       “对艾尔多安来说,这是灾难性的后果。这完全是对埃尔多安的屈服,这可能使我们在与ISIS的斗争中成为我们最强大的盟友。这就是叙利亚的库尔德人。”希夫周日上午告诉哥伦比亚广播公司《面对国家》。“我们看到ISIS战斗机正按我们的预料被释放。总统说:'好吧,你知道他们将前往欧洲。' 担任总统之后我们不会再有盟友离开。”


       周日早些时候,埃斯珀(Esper)确认至少有1000名美军正在撤离叙利亚北部,因为特朗普在推特上表示,撤军是为了避免另一场“ 无休止的战争”。金津格(Kingzinger)驳斥了总统的说法,称美军之所以首先在那里是专门为了防止一场无休止的战争。

       埃斯珀周日告诉哥伦比亚广播公司新闻的玛格丽特·布伦南说:“我们没有代表他们与土耳其人打架。我们对此很清楚。” 他表示希望库尔德人与俄罗斯人和叙利亚人“达成协议”,以免遭到屠杀。

       他的前任前国防部长马蒂斯周日在媒体见面会上说,特朗普可以“宣告”针对ISIS的战争,但这并非事实。终生的美国军方领导人说,尽管特朗普一再提出相反的说法,但“ ISIS并未被击败”。他同意“放弃库尔德人”将对美国未来的外交政策带来可怕的后果。




哪个职责占上风?马蒂斯(Mattis)在2017年与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统合影。马蒂斯(Mattis)在他的书中说,与现任总统大声讲话是错误的。



       Democratic California Congressman Adam Schiff joined several Republican lawmakers in condemning President Donald Trump's U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria, warning that ISIS is already beginning its resurgence.

       Schiff agreed with GOP Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger's description of Trump's troop withdrawal out of northern Syria Sunday morning as a "complete capitulation" to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Schiff said the U.S. is "not going to have an ally left" after Trump leaves office and cautioned against the abandonment of America's "strongest ally" in the fight against the Islamic State militants, the Kurds. Schiff noted that former U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis had repeatedly warned Trump "it's absolutely a given" ISIS will return to the region.

       Schiff and dozens of other bipartisan lawmakers' demands not to withdraw from Syria were rebuked by Trump as U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper confirmed Sunday that 1,000 U.S. troops were in a "deliberate withdrawal" from along the Turkish border.

       "I think this is disastrous. It's a complete capitulation to Erdoğan that is putting at great peril probably our strongest ally in the fight against ISIS. And that is the Syrian Kurds," Schiff told CBS' Face the Nation Sunday morning. "We're seeing ISIS fighters released from custody just as we predicted would happen. And for the president to say 'well you know they're just going to go to Europe.' We're not going to have an ally left after this presidency."

       Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said the Kurds are currently being "slaughtered" after the Trump administration "pulled the rug out from under them."

       Earlier on Sunday, Esper confirmed at least 1,000 U.S. troops are evacuating northern Syria as Trump tweeted that the withdrawal was an attempt to avoid another "endless war." Kinzinger rebuked the president's claim, saying the reason U.S. troops were there in the first place was specifically to prevent an endless war.

       "We didn't sign up to fight the Turks on their behalf. We've been very clear with them about that," Esper told CBS News' Margaret Brennan Sunday. He expressed hope the Kurds will "cut a deal" with the Russians and Syrians in order to avoid being slaughtered.

       His predecessor, former Defense Secretary Mattis, told Meet the Press Sunday that Trump can "declare" the war against ISIS over, but that does not make it true. The lifelong U.S. military leader said "ISIS is not defeated," despite Trump's repeated claims to the contrary. He agreed that "abandoning the Kurds" will have dire foreign policy consequences for the U.S. in the future.

       "We have got to keep the pressure on ISIS so they don't recover. We may want a war over, we may even declare it over. You can pull your troops out, as President Obama learned the hard way out of Iraq, but the enemy gets a vote, we say in the military. If we don't keep pressure on, then ISIS will resurge. It's absolutely a given that they will come back," Mattis said.

       Schiff concurred with Mattis, saying Trump's abandonment of the Kurdish forces may create a domino effect of the U.S. losing allies.

       "You can imagine how Europe feels about the president of the United States saying well we're not really concerned about foreign fighters going to Europe. They're going to pose a direct threat to our homeland as well and we ought to care about our allies," Schiff said. "This wouldn't be happening but for this impulsive decision by the president to capitulate to Erdoğan by precipitously withdrawing our forces. It's just what Secretary Mattis warned against."

Which duty prevails? Mattis with President Donald Trump in 2017. In his book, Mattis said it would be wrong to speak out against a sitting president.

       A U.S. official speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN that the lengthy and deadly American campaign to defeat ISIS is "over for now" and 100,000 people in the northern Syrian region are set to "re-join the jihad." The official concluded, "U.S. policy has failed."






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