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2019-10-14 14:39   美国新闻网   - 



       克雷默在周日接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的国情咨文采访时发表了上述言论。在此期间,主持人杰克·塔珀(Jake Tapper)向代表北达科他州的共和党参议员指出,寻求外国援助是否会损害政治对手是否“适当”。

       克莱默回答说:“这并不意味着唐纳德·特朗普对此事完全是秘密的。” “他的真实性非常正直,这是心脏地带的人们对他的赞赏。因此,他在公开场合进行了这些讨论。”


       特朗普面临不断快速的弹劾调查,原因是他反复努力向乌克兰领导人施加压力,要求其对揭穿阴谋论进行调查,该阴谋论是民主党人与乌克兰人合谋干涉了2016年总统大选,并调查了未经证实的关于民主党总统的指控候选人和前副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)对东欧国家进行了腐败行径,以使儿子的业务往来受益。

       甚至连特朗普的前国土安全顾问托马斯·博塞特(Thomas Bossert)都公开表示,总统一再被告知,关于民主党和乌克兰的阴谋论是不准确的,应予以废除。博塞特在9月底接受美国广播公司(ABC News)采访时说:“这完全被揭穿了。”

       正如克雷默指出的那样,特朗普及其私人律师鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)对于他们利用总统职位的力量向乌尔凯尼族官员以及中国人施加压力,要求他们调查政治对手的努力已广为公开。同时,他们认为弹inquiry调查是公开的“游击队”和“猎巫”。




       代表伊利诺伊州第十六区的共和党代表亚当·金津格(Adam Kinzinger)上周二对福克斯新闻说:“任何外国政府都不得以任何方式参与美国大选。” “这应该永远是错误的。”


       Republican Senator Kevin Cramer praised Donald Trump for being "transparent" in his bid to seek foreign interference to undermine his political rival, arguing that it was positive that the president had not done so "covertly."

       Cramer made the remarks during an interview with CNN's State of the Union on Sunday, during which anchor Jake Tapper asked the GOP senator, who represents North Dakota, pointedly whether if it was "appropriate" to seek foreign assistance to damage a political rival.

       "It's not like Donald Trump has been exactly covert about this," Cramer responded. "There's great integrity in his authenticity, which is something that people out here in the heartland appreciate about him. So he has these discussions in the wide open."

       "I appreciate that we have a President who's transparent about his opinions and he's very clear about them, he doesn't try to do it covertly," he added later.

       Trump is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry due to his repeated efforts to pressure Ukraine's leaders to open an investigation into a debunked conspiracy theory that Democrats conspired with Ukrainians to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, as well as to probe unsubstantiated allegations that Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden acted corruptly toward the Eastern European nation to benefit his son's business dealings.

       Even Trump's former homeland security adviser Thomas Bossert came out publicly to say that the president was repeatedly informed that the conspiracy theory regarding the Democrats and Ukraine was inaccurate and should be dropped. "It is completely debunked," Bossert said of the theory in an interview with ABC News at the end of September.

       As Cramer pointed out, Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani have been very public about their efforts to use the power of the presidency to pressure Urkainian officials, as well as the Chinese, to investigate a political rival. Meanwhile, they have dismissed the impeachment inquiry as overtly "partisan" and a "witch hunt."

Zelensky and Trump
President Donald Trump offers a handshake to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a meeting in New York on September 25, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly

       But numerous Republican lawmakers have expressed serious misgivings about the president's calls for foreign governments to investigate his political opponents. Under federal law, it is illegal for anyone to seek out, accept or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election. The Federal Election Commission has long held that opposition research, although it may not have an explicit monetary value, is included as something of value.

       Despite the growing criticism, and numerous opinion polls showing that a majority of Americans now support the impeachment inquiry, Trump has doubled down on his insistence that he did nothing wrong. While many Republicans have continued to back the president, or simply remained silent, others have been highly critical.

       "No foreign government should ever be involved in a U.S. election in any way," Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican who represents Illinois' 16th District, told Fox News last Tuesday. "It should always be wrong."






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