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加州又一个郡发现不明来源新冠病毒病例 患者病情危急

2020-03-04 13:32  美国中文网   - 

    美国中文网报道 加州康特拉科斯塔郡(Contra Costa)卫生官员周二证实了该郡首例本地冠状病毒感染病例。

加州又一个郡发现不明来源新冠病毒病例  患者病情危急_图1-1

据CBS报道,康特拉科斯塔卫生服务中心(Contra Costa Health Services)官员表示,这名患者周二下午的检测呈阳性。该郡公共卫生实验室进行了检测,预计将在未来几天得到美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的确认。
该郡公共卫生医疗主任奥里茨维埃利(Ori Tzvieli)介绍称,这名患者于3月1日周日入院。病人有潜在的健康状况,情况危急。茨维埃利表示,他们不会公布病人的更多信息。
同样在周二,圣塔克拉拉郡(Santa Clara)报告了两起新型冠状病毒感染病例,伯克利市报告了首例病例——这是一名从意大利回国的旅行者,回国后进行了自我隔离。

According to CBS, officials at the Contra Costa health services said the patient tested positive Tuesday afternoon. The county's public health laboratory conducted tests that are expected to be confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the coming days.

The patient is currently being treated at the county hospital, but health officials would not say which hospital. Officials at the health service center in Contra Costa said the infected person had no known travel history and had no contact with other known confirmed cases.

Ori tzvieli, the county's director of public health, said the patient was hospitalized on Sunday, March 1. The patient has a potential health condition and is in critical condition. Tsvieri said they would not release more information about patients.

Also on Tuesday, novel coronavirus infection was reported in Santa Clara, Clara. Berkeley reported the first case, a traveller returning from Italy and self isolation after returning home.

So far, three people in the bay area have been infected with covid-19 through community transmission.

There are at least 30 confirmed and suspected positive cases of coronavirus in the whole bay area, 3 cases of community transmission, 6 cases of human to human transmission, 10 cases from Japan's Diamond Princess cruise ship, 7 cases related to tourism, and 2 cases unknown.


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