
【11:30 pm ET】
据CNN评论,麻州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦今天错过了任何形式的主场优势。尽管竞选活动很少,但拜登还是赢得了该州的胜利。 伯尼·桑德斯排名第二。 沃伦排名第三。沃伦在自己的大本营状态欠佳,而且其他两位“超级星期二”参选人都遥遥领先,她面临竞选活动的艰难决定。在麻州的投票站关闭之前,她的竞选活动明确表明,他们计划继续参加密歇根州,亚利桑那州和爱达荷州的下一场竞选,将在本月晚些时候进行投票。但是,如果没有任何重大胜利(或动力),沃伦可能会面临更艰难的提名之路。
【11:04 pm ET】桑德斯拿下票仓加州,该州党代表票高达415张。拜登赢得八州,分别为田纳西州、维吉尼亚州、阿拉巴马州、北卡、明尼苏达、阿肯色、阿拉巴马和俄克拉荷马。
【10:54 pm ET】拜登在洛杉矶集会上提前开始庆祝胜利,他感谢过去36个小时为他提供举荐的三位知名代言人:明尼苏达州参议员艾米·克罗布彻,前德州众议员贝托·奥罗克和前南本德,印第安纳州市长皮特·布蒂贾奇。他说:“由于艾米·克罗布彻,我们赢得了明尼苏达州的胜利。” “而且由于奥罗克,我们在德州的表现不错。”拜登补充说,他“也很高兴得到皮特市长的认可。”拜登说:“我们还活着。” “而且不要误会。这次竞选活动将让唐纳德·川普卷铺盖走人。”
【10:39 pm ET】桑德斯赢得犹他州29张党代表票。
【10:30 pm ET】乔·拜登出现在在洛杉矶举行的一次集会上,他欢呼雀跃,庆祝今晚的六场胜利。拜登旁站的是他的妻子吉尔·拜登和他的妹妹,他说:“这是一个美好的夜晚。这是一个美好的夜晚。” “情况似乎越来越好。超级星期二这个名字不是没道理。”他继续说:“那些被打倒,数不清,被甩在后面的人。这是你的竞选活动。几天前,新闻界已经宣布我的竞选活动已经死亡。但是南卡罗来纳力挽狂澜。”
【10:10 pm ET 】拜登赢得阿肯色州31张票,俄克拉荷马37张,赢面扩大至6个州。另外据美联社爆料,在周二令人失望的开局以后,彭博计划在周三重新考虑是否还要继续民主党参选人提名竞选活动。
【9:43 pm ET 】桑德斯获得科罗拉多68张党代表票。
【9:20 pm ET 】彭博降低对超级星期二预期,称已超越外界期待
【9:00 pm ET 】前副总统拜登和参议员伯尼·桑德斯激烈争夺德州,那里有228张党代表票。早期的结果表明他们选情十分接近,拜登较桑德斯方面略胜一筹。目前的现有的结果是,拜登:26.2%,桑德斯:25.8%
Chinese trump Roundup reports that super millions of voters from Maine to California are voting on super Tuesday. These states have the rich party delegates who want to get the final votes. The final race is gradually becoming a contest between the two different views of the Democratic Party. The winner will compete with President trump in November.
【11:30 pm ET】
According to CNN, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren missed any home advantage today. Biden won the state's victory despite the lack of campaigning. Bernie Sanders came second. Warren is third. Warren is in poor shape in her base camp, and two other "Super Tuesday" candidates are far ahead, and she faces tough campaign decisions. Prior to the closure of Massachusetts polling stations, her campaign made it clear that they planned to continue their next campaign in Michigan, Arizona and Idaho, which will take place later this month. But without any big wins (or momentum), Warren could face a tougher nomination.
[11:04 PM ET] Sanders won the ticket warehouse in California, which has 415 party delegates. Biden won eight states, Tennessee, Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina, Minnesota, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma.
[10:54 PM ET] Biden began to celebrate the victory ahead of time at the Los Angeles rally. He thanked three well-known spokesmen who had recommended him in the past 36 hours: Minnesota Senator Amy crotcher, former Texas Congressman Berto orock and former South Bend, and Indiana mayor Peter butijach. "We won Minnesota because of Amy crotcher," he said "And because of auroc, we did well in Texas." Biden added that he "is also pleased to be recognized by Mayor Pitt." "We are still alive," Biden said "And don't get me wrong. This campaign will let Donald trump roll away.
[10:39 PM ET] Sanders won 29 party delegates in Utah.
[10:30 pm ET] Joe Biden was at a rally in Los Angeles, cheering and celebrating his six wins tonight. Biden was flanked by his wife, Jill Biden, and his sister. "It was a good night," he said. It was a good night. " "Things seem to be getting better. Super Tuesday doesn't make sense. " He continued: "those who have been knocked down, countless, left behind. This is your campaign. A few days ago, the press announced that my campaign was dead. But South Carolina has turned the tide. "
[10:10 PM ET] Biden won 31 votes in Arkansas and 37 in Oklahoma, expanding to six states. After Tuesday's disappointing start, Bloomberg plans to reconsider on Wednesday whether to continue the Democratic Party's nomination campaign, according to the associated press.
[9:43 PM ET] Sanders won 68 party delegates from Colorado.
[9:20 PM ET] Bloomberg lowered its forecast for Super Tuesday, saying it has exceeded expectation
Biden won 64 party delegates in Tennessee, winning the fourth state that night. But several cheered and worried. Michael Bloomberg held his first election night party on Tuesday night, saying expectations had been lowered quickly. "The results came out, and it's clear that no matter how many votes we won tonight, we did things that no one else had thought of," Bloomberg said "In just three months, we have risen from 1% in the polls to a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination," he added The speech by the former mayor of New York City reflected the reality of Bloomberg's team: it didn't go as planned on Tuesday night. At the time of his speech, the only constituency he won on Super Tuesday was American Samoa with six votes.
Bloomberg devoted his speech to the president of trump for 10 minutes in a speech that he wanted to contend with. "Unlike president trump, I am not here to play golf," he said. But Bloomberg needs to win the primary election to face up to trump. And after gain a complete victory in Biden, South Carolina, his rise obviously overshadowed Bloomberg campaign.
[9:00 pm ET] former Vice President Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders are vying fiercely for Texas, where 228 party delegates vote. Early results showed they were close, with Biden slightly ahead of Sanders. The current results are Biden: 26.2%, Sanders: 25.8%