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2020-03-06 14:22  环球时报   - 












美国分析人士认为,8月份以后,如果是桑德斯和特朗普竞争,那会大有看头。一个是极左派代表,一个是极右派代表,美国政治将“严重两极化”,整个社会将随之严重撕裂,无疑会是一场针尖对麦芒的对抗; 如果是拜登和特朗普比拼,那是中左势力和极右势力的对抗。在保持基本盘的情况下,拜登若能拉拢到“粉色力量”妇女及“有色力量”非裔和拉美裔民众的大力支持,特朗普实现连任梦就悬了。但特朗普有自己的优势,一是现任总统的光环,二是总体经济向好的支撑,三是共和党内的紧密团结。如果不出现更大的“黑天鹅”,再干四年大有希望。

After Bloomberg and Warren dropped out, the trump campaign cheered: we are sure to win

After the "Super Tuesday" World War I, the election situation in the Democratic Party of the US presidential election in 2020 is basically clear. More than 20 presidential candidates have been fighting fiercely in the party. At present, only former Vice President Biden and Senator Sanders of Vermont are still fighting. With former New York mayor and billionaire Bloomberg embarrassed to withdraw from the election, Massachusetts Senator Warren, who has a clear gap with Biden and Sanders, also announced his withdrawal from the election on the 5th. On the other hand, the Republican Party has played the triumphant Kaige. The New York Times said Thursday that Biden and Sanders are Trump's favorite rivals because they have obvious weaknesses. "The reality is, we're going to win," said Tim moto, a member of the trump campaign
Biden and Sanders have a fight
As of Thursday local time, Biden beat Sanders, who had previously led in the polls, and won a majority of 10 states including Massachusetts, Arkansas and Minnesota, with 566 party delegates, while Sanders got 501 and Warren got only 61. Biden is "the biggest, fastest and most unexpected presidential candidate in modern history" and he and Sanders will fight for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to US media. However, if we want to win, we can get 1991 party delegates out of 3979 in the primary election. At present, Biden and Sanders don't have a big gap. They have to fight each other.
According to the plan, the Democratic Party will hold a National Congress in July this year. Biden and Sanders have only three months left. They have to fight for the top. This is not only a dispute over policy views and personal charm, but also a dispute over the forces behind them. Sanders has always been a maverick and "alien" in the Democratic Party. He is a representative of the far left. His campaign claims: universal health insurance, exemption from tuition fees of public universities, raising the minimum wage, etc., which are very attractive to the grassroots and young groups in the United States.
Biden, on the other hand, is a representative of the Democratic Party Construction Group. The policy proposition belongs to the middle left, and he is willing to inherit the policies of the former President Obama era to a large extent. What's more, he ran for president twice, served as vice president in the Obama era for eight years, and gained a lot of support from African American voters. In addition, Biden was endorsed by retiring butiquig, klobuche and Bloomberg. Trump, however, is keen on Biden's alleged use of his power in Ukraine's "call gate" to help his son, who works for Ukrainian gas company brisma, escape the investigation, saying it would be Biden's biggest obstacle.
Republican Party triumphant Anthem
It can't be ignored that when the Democratic Party is in full swing, the Republican Party is playing a triumphant song, which is undoubtedly for trump. Depending on the advantages of the current president, trump has not had any serious opponents in the party so far. One after another party and League meetings have been held in each state, each of which is Trump's home court and victory. In Idaho, New Hampshire and other states, Trump's support rate is more than 90%, far higher than all the current presidents who have run for re-election in the past 40 years.
As a result, the current election situation has just turned a corner from 2016, when Hillary Clinton showed off among Democrats and trump cut six generals in the Republican Party. Now the Democratic Party is fighting against each other, and trump is a bit of a maverick. However, after July and August, whether Biden or Sanders, it will be a fierce battle for trump. After the "Super Tuesday" election was clear, Biden publicly challenged trump in front of a large number of voters: "this campaign will definitely make Donald Trump go home." Trump, to say nothing of it, said Biden sarcastically, "look at that sleepy Joe. He's incompetent. He can't do anything!"
Life is better than good
In fact, after the Republican and democratic parties determine the presidential candidates, the general election is not only a competition between the two candidates, but also a confrontation between the two parties. In addition to policy and personal charm, the more important thing is the economic situation, as Clinton famously said when he ran for president in 1992: fools, or the economy has the final say. In his first term, trump suffered from "communication with Russia", "communication door", "hunting for beauty door" and impeachment cases not long ago, but all of them were thrilling. At present, the overall situation of the U.S. economy is good, the unemployment rate is at a low level for decades, and the inflation rate is also at a low level. Most Americans are satisfied with the current economic situation. To a large extent, this is the credit accumulated by the Obama administration, but it's better to die than to die. Trump met it, and it became his achievements.
American analysts believe that after August, if it is sanders and trump who compete, it will have a bright future. One is the representative of the far left and the other is the representative of the far right. American politics will be "seriously polarized", and the whole society will be seriously torn. Undoubtedly, it will be a sharp confrontation with Mai mang. If Biden and trump compete, it will be a confrontation between the left and the far right. If Biden can win the support of "Pink Power" women and "colored power" African Americans and Hispanics, Trump's dream of re-election will be suspended. However, trump has its own advantages: first, the halo of the current president, second, the support of the overall economy, and third, the close unity of the Republican Party. If there is no bigger "black swan", there will be another four years


上一篇:冠状病毒飞行取消,旅游建议,免责声明: 关于美国,意大利,日本等等




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