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2020-03-06 14:00   美国新闻网   - 









CDC 3日傍晚发推特说,CDC将停止发布新冠肺炎检测人数和检测结果呈阴性的数据,声称随着各州独立进行更多的检测,CDC发布的数字将不能代表全国的检测情况。《环球时报》记者5日登录CDC网站发现,CDC仍在周一至周五中午时,发布截至前一天下午4时美国的全国确诊病例数、死亡病例数和确诊州的数量,但每个州的确诊人数只提供大致数字范围,各州居民只能去州疾控中心网站查询本地确诊人数。此外,全国新冠肺炎检测总人数也从网站消失。





美国卫生与公共服务部(HHS)4日表示,如果新冠肺炎在美国大流行,那么美国目前的口罩库存只能满足医疗专业人员所需的1%;美国国家药品和医疗用品紧急储备目前只有约1200万个医用N95口罩和3000万个外科口罩,而据HHS估计,如果新冠肺炎在美国大流行,美国医疗系统在一年内最多将需要35亿个N95口罩。另据美国CNBC电视台报道,HHS 4日宣布将在未来18个月购买5亿个N95口罩。



Worried about another "virus cruise ship", the 2500 people "supreme Princess" in California is trapped in the high seas

Novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed to 159 cases in the evening of 4 hours local time, according to the CNN (CNN), of which 49 cases were from overseas Chinese. In the United States, 110 cases have been confirmed in 15 states. The novel coronavirus pneumonia (CDC) stopped issuing new crown pneumonia tests and the number of confirmed cases in the epidemic situation. What's more worrisome is that 21 people on a California cruise ship carrying 2500 people are suffering from infection symptoms, which may cause a collective infection like the diamond princess.
Cruise epidemic again
Novel coronavirus pneumonia and death toll have been reported in the US following the large cruise ships such as Diamond Princess and weistaid. Similar to what happened to the "brothers and sisters", the "supreme Princess" is currently trapped on the high seas, waiting for a virus test.
A 70 year old man died of the new crown virus in preser County, California, Thursday, local time, causing the state government to attach great importance to him, CBS reported Friday. Governor Nathan Newson immediately announced that California became the third state in the United States to enter a state of emergency after Washington and Florida. According to the report, the deceased took the "supreme Princess" cruise ship of Carnival Cruise group to travel at sea from February 11 to 21. At that time, more than half of the 2500 passengers on the ship were Californians, and these passengers may have had contact with the dead.
Compared with the previous cruise case, the situation of the "supreme Princess" is more complicated: the cruise ship from San Francisco returned to the United States after its trip to Mexico on the 21st last month, and soon picked up a new group of passengers in San Francisco; while 62 of the last group of passengers remained on board, and embarked on a 15 day trip to Hawaii with the new group of passengers. In other words, due to the untimely investigation of the epidemic, "the supreme Princess" has created two groups of "high-risk groups". When the ship returned from Hawaii, 21 suspected cases, including 11 passengers and 10 crew members, were confirmed by authorities. The previous 62 "renewal" passengers have also been quarantined in their respective rooms. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is not detected in a severe patient who has received emergency treatment in Hawaii.
According to the voyage, the "supreme Princess" was supposed to be in San Francisco on the 5th, but California officials asked the cruise ship to "delay the voyage" and wait for the epidemic investigation. At the time of the work, the ship was forced to stay on the high seas off the coast of California. The inspectors boarded the ship by helicopter, carried out tests, and then sent the samples back to the laboratory for inspection. Public opinion is worried that if the detection efficiency is not good, the cruise ship may have to repeat its mistakes, like the diamond princess, which has become a "virus cruise ship".
CDC stop sending data questioned
Novel coronavirus pneumonia will be released by CDC on 3 evening, twitter said. The number of new crown pneumonia tests and negative results will be released. It is stated that the number of CDC released will not represent the national test situation as the States independently conduct more tests. CDC will not be able to detect the situation. Reporters from Global Times found on the CDC website Friday that the CDC still released the number of confirmed cases, deaths and confirmed states in the United States as of 4:00 p.m. the previous day from Monday to Friday noon, but the number of confirmed cases in each state only provides a rough range of figures, and residents in each state can only go to the CDC website to check the number of local confirmed cases. In addition, novel coronavirus pneumonia detection population also disappeared from the website.
As soon as the CDC tweeted, it immediately caused a stir in the United States. Jude legham, a well-known independent journalist in the United States, became the first media person to announce the news. He wrote on twitter, "CDC has stopped announcing the number of people who have been tested for new coronavirus in the United States It's a cover up, it's a scandal. ". Other netizens pointed the finger at trump, saying that the trump authorities "hide the epidemic" for the sake of the presidential election.
The incident also shocked American politics. Representative mark pocan of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin immediately sent a letter to CDC director Robert Redfield, asking CDC to disclose the data. "The American people have the right to an answer Your silence is deafening! "
Congressional emergency funding to close the gap
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was voted on by the house of Representatives on 4 March, and voted for a $8 billion 300 million budget. The budget was supported by both Republicans and Democrats. It was passed by 415 votes and 2 votes in the same day's vote, far higher than the previous $2.5 billion requested by trump. The budget includes novel coronavirus pneumonia, which will be used for vaccine, treatment, research, government at all levels to prevent and respond to the threat of new crown pneumonia, to reserve medical supplies and other preparatory measures, etc.. 8 billion 300 million
Novel coronavirus pneumonia is popular in the United States, the US Department of health and public service (HHS) said on 4 May. The current US mask can only meet 1% of the medical professionals' needs. Novel coronavirus pneumonia and emergency medical supplies are currently only about 12 million medical N95 masks and 30 million surgical masks. According to HHS estimates, if the new crown pneumonia is in the US pandemic, the US medical system will need 3 billion 500 million N95 masks in most cases in one year. HHS announced Thursday that it will buy 500 million N95 masks in the next 18 months, according to CNBC.
In addition to anti epidemic materials, virus testing is also a headache for the U.S. government. According to the New York Times, previously, CDC still insisted on using self-developed defective nucleic acids


下一篇:聚焦美国民主党初选:拜登桑德斯争锋 这个州很关键




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