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聚焦美国民主党初选:拜登桑德斯争锋 这个州很关键

2020-03-07 13:50  中国新闻网   - 



资料图:当地时间2月2日,美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登在艾奥瓦首府得梅因竞选造势。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄









Focus on the Democratic primary: Biden Sanders is the key to this state

With the end of Super Tuesday, the Democratic primary election in the 2020 presidential election has basically evolved into a "two strong" duel between former Vice President Biden and Senator Sanders of Vermont, Chinanet reported Tuesday. Their first challenge was the six state primaries on March 10 local time. And the top priority will be Michigan.

Among the six states, Michigan is reported to have 125 party delegates, while the rest will have fewer than 100. There, Sanders will try to prove that he is the one who will most appeal to the working class to vote, while Biden will seek to consolidate the advantage he built in Super Tuesday.

In Michigan's sprint, Biden sent his pro klobucher, who left early, to run for him; Sanders canceled a rally in Mississippi, which also held the primary on March 10, and added a rally in Michigan.
Recent polls show Biden temporarily dominating Michigan; he has the backing of local politicians, such as governor white Moore, and endorsement from Detroit's main local media.
Grosman, an expert at Michigan State University, pointed out that the primary election in Michigan can be regarded as a microcosm of the national election in a sense, and the political trend of the state is highly consistent with the national political trend. "At present, Biden is expected to continue to rebound after Super Tuesday, and the current situation is in his favor. But there is still some time to go before the Michigan primary, and there are still some factors that may affect the results. ".
In 2016, Sanders defeated Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton in Michigan, and now he hopes to regain that victory. This week, Sanders added speeches and advertisements in Michigan to attack Biden's position on issues such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and bankruptcy bill, which he hopes to reduce Biden's support among working voters.
But in terms of population composition, Michigan and the states that will hold the primary next are good for Biden. As the two compete for blue collar workers, Biden continues to maintain a clear edge among African voters, a majority in Detroit and 20% in Michigan. In addition, Biden also has an advantage among white suburban voters and elderly voters.
Sanders, on the other hand, has a strong support among young Hispanics, but the proportion of this group in Michigan's population is too small to be ignored.
Grossman pointed out that Sanders lost the support of some white working class and suburban voters, while the support rate among Hispanics increased. It's a balance of the two on Super Tuesday, but in Michigan it's going to hurt him.


In the general election, Michigan is also crucial. In 2016, the state, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were won by trump, the current president of the United States, but Trump's advantage is less than 1 percentage point. These three states are the states that the Democratic Party is committed to "turning blue" in the 2020 election.


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