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美国新冠病例总数达324例 政府应对迟缓遭媒体抨击

2020-03-07 13:50  人民网   - 







华盛顿智库战略与国际问题研究中心的全球卫生政策中心主任莫里森说,从某种程度上说,特朗普的言论并不一致。 “白宫现在应该以公共卫生科学为基础,传达连贯一致的信息,还要告诉公众我们知道什么,不知道什么,未来还会发生什么。”约翰斯霍普金斯健康安全中心高级学者沃森说,当政府发出的信号自相矛盾,可信度就可能降低。

324 new crown cases in the United States government's response to tardiness has been criticized by the media

Novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed in 324 cases in the United States, 7 cases died and 10 cases were cured, according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention and the public health departments of various states. As of 7 pm Eastern time, there were 324 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the United States. Among them, 85 newly confirmed cases were found on June 6.
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was found on 21 of the 6 cruise ships that were parked near California San Francisco and were being quarantined and quarantined. Among them, 19 were new crews and 2 were passengers. However, at present, only 46 people on the cruise ship have been tested. The ship, which has 3500 crew and passengers, is now banned from disembarking. How many confirmed cases the cruise ship will eventually have is still unknown.
At present, 25 states in the United States have confirmed cases, including 80 in Washington state, 62 in California and 44 in New York state. Washington, Florida, California and Maryland have declared a state of emergency. U.S. President trump signed a $8.3 billion emergency funding bill to deal with the new coronavirus Tuesday.
However, the U.S. government's slow response to the epidemic has been criticized by the media. New York City health officials wrote to the federal government Saturday, calling for more test kits to be distributed to the city. As of noon on the 6th, only 100 people had been tested in New York City. "Insufficient testing capacity hinders the city's efforts to respond to the outbreak. People in New York City are largely undetected. " The city's health officials said.
Trump said in an interview with Fox News on the 4th: "many people will have this disease, and the symptoms are very mild. They will recover soon, without even seeing a doctor. You don't even have to call the doctor. " Trump said that maybe tens of thousands of people can get better by staying at home or even going out to work. Trump said again Friday that the U.S. economy is still strong and that restrictions on overseas travel may boost domestic travel, which makes him happy.
But the Wall Street Journal pointed out that the White House's message was either inaccurate or contrary to what other officials said, which made the government's external communication unclear. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people with mild illness infected with the new coronavirus should not go to work, school or public places except for medical treatment.
Morrison, director of the center for global health policy at the center for strategic and international studies, a Washington think tank, said Trump's comments were not consistent to some extent. "The White House should now be based on public health science, delivering a coherent message, and telling the public what we know, what we don't know, and what will happen in the future." Watson, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for health and safety, said that when government signals contradict each other, credibility can be reduced.


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